Classics & Ancient Mediterranean Studies
Bachelor of Arts

Let the past shape your future. In classics & ancient Mediterranean studies at Bucknell, your professors will help you build the analytical skills and perspectives to succeed in law, finance, publishing or whatever career you choose.
Discover societies that existed six millennia ago through ancient texts and research projects. Examine human cultural development in western Asia, Europe and North Africa. Join an archeological dig in Greece and master Latin, Greek or both. Explore the Archaeological Laboratory, which houses the department's extensive collection of excavated ancient glass and other artifacts.
Most students will take advantage of the University's international studies opportunities to spend a semester or summer in Athens, Rome or other locations.
Recent graduates hold jobs in education, medical research and business development, and pursue advanced degrees in law, neuroscience and child development.
Departmental Statement on Inclusive Excellence
The Department of Classics & Ancient Mediterranean Studies is committed to the values of diversity and inclusion.
The subject matter of our courses and research investigates and analyzes a wide spectrum of ancient life and thought from a broad range of ancient and modern perspectives. By no means do we ascribe to the belief that ancient activities should justify, excuse or determine modern practice.
Members of the discipline are well aware that clear biases in past thinking and action have often unduly influenced later thought and action, and this department maintains that such influence has often had ill, unjust and morally suspect effects. We ourselves are aware of the limitations of ancient sources and the limited perspective within those sources, and we teach our students to see and account for these same limitations.
The department aims to hire highly qualified individuals from diverse backgrounds in the confident knowledge that varied voices will make our research and teaching more meaningful, more accessible and more sophisticated.
Bucknell in Athens
Bring your in-class experience to life with the Bucknell in Athens program. Eligible students will be immersed in Greek culture in this semester-long program that covers Greek culture and film, ancient archaeological sites and what daily life is like in modern Greece.
In addition to trips to various historical sights, students take several classes that focus on the world of film in Greece, the Greek language and the political climate.
Wonder at the Ancient World
The Classics Club welcomes any student to view movies, literature and any other form of media that portrays ancient cultures.
The Classics Club strives to promote academic development for everyone in the Bucknell community while also creating an appreciation for classical culture.