McKenna Summer Environmental Fellowship
The Katherine Mabis McKenna Foundation Summer Environmental Fellowship is a University-wide program that supports students who conduct environmental research during the summer. At completion of their projects, students are expected to complete a brief report for the faculty committee and the McKenna Foundation. They are also expected to present their results at the Kalman Student Research Symposium on campus in the spring following the summer research.
Student Compensation
The program supports from eight to 11 students with $600 per week of summer pay in 2025 and housing according to current University policy. Fellowships are awarded on a competitive basis by a faculty advisory committee. Students are expected to work full-time for approximately 10 weeks though shorter projects are possible. Successful applicants are also eligible to receive up to $500 funding for needed materials and services associated with the projects. Advisers must clear such expenditures in advance with Professor Ellen Herman.
Finding an Adviser
The earlier you start the process, the better you'll be able to complete a competitive proposal that demonstrates that you are prepared to begin your research. Given the early February deadline, the end of the fall semester is a good time to start.
Occasionally a student approaches a professor with an original research idea of their own. It is more common for students to find advisers by going to several professors in their major and minor departments (or with whom they've had coursework) and asking what potential student projects the professors have.
Presenting Research Results
Upon finishing the summer's work, advisers should ensure that a student-written report of approximately four pages is delivered to Professor Ellen Herman within four weeks of the beginning of the fall semester. You will receive reminders. These reports are compiled and delivered to the McKenna Foundation. The future of this fellowship program depends in part upon the prompt submission of reports.
Students should also present their results at the spring Kalman Student research symposium on campus. These presentations may be either oral or in poster form.
Contact Details
Professor Ellen Herman
224 O'Leary Center