1. Include recurring instruction in writing.
Methods of instruction will vary. There is no single model for teaching a W1 course. But whether the instructor is assisted by student peer editors or by tutors, whether instruction is directed to the whole class, to small groups, to individuals, or in combination of these methods, the important aim is to reinforce the development of skills by frequent instruction (weekly, if possible).
2. Teach the writing process: planning, composing, revising, editing.
By teaching writing as a process, by presenting strategies for each stage, and by allowing time for reworking, instructors enable students to improve thought and to improve communication.
The writing process often varies by discipline and by instructor. Consequently, it is essential that faculty members be clear about what is expected of students in the drafting/revising process as well as about the criteria by which writing assignments will be evaluated. Students should be held accountable for meeting these expectations and for treating each stage of the process with an appropriate amount of care.
3. Teach and emphasize the importance of the following expository skills:
- Addressing intended audiences.
- Achieving purposes.
- Organizing the whole paper, paragraphs and sentences.
- Choosing appropriate words.
- Punctuating and spelling correctly.
Since the W1 course is the foundation course in composition, it should teach those expository skills that are:
- Generally recognized elements in higher-level discourse.
- Needed by the majority of students entering Bucknell.
Instructors of W1 courses will stress the importance of these expository skills, and students will be held accountable for demonstrating the mastery of these skills in their writing. When providing feedback to students on late-stage drafts or final submissions of written work, instructors will point out recurring errors and require students to address these problems.
As a first resource for addressing writing problems, instructors may refer students to a print or online writing "handbook." (Sample handbooks are available in the Writing Center, and links to electronic resources may be found on the Writing Center's web pages for students.) For more serious problems, the instructor may work with students individually. Writing Center peer and staff consultants will similarly be available to help students remedy flaws in their writing mechanics as well as other issues. For wide-spread problems (i.e., problems appearing in several student papers within a class), the instructor may wish to use class time to point out and correct patterns of error.
4. Require frequent writing from each student.
The instructor, who may be assisted by student peer reviewers or by tutors, should see a substantial amount of this writing.
For mastery, students need to write more than instructors alone can read. However, a substantial amount of writing should receive response to aid revision. The response need not be time-consuming, but it should be prompt and frequent (weekly, if possible). Response to work in progress should occur in addition to evaluation of finished writing for grading.
5. Teach the use of writing as thinking and as a means of creating and processing knowledge.
W1 courses include writing assignments that cause students to engage in intellectual work. Types of assignments may include essays, abstracts, journals, emails, question formulation, field notes, lab notebooks or short answers to prepared questions, all designed to use language as a resource for inquiry.