Students during Design Thinking Leadership pre-orientation

Admissions & Aid

Amazing things happen when brilliant minds unite.

At Bucknell, we empower students to make the most of their ideas through hands-on education and intentional collaboration.

We're looking for students with the curiosity to pose creative questions, the boldness to venture into the unknown to discover the answers and the drive to make a world-changing impact — together.

2024-25 Dates & Deadlines

Early Decision I
DateDeadlineAdditional Details
Nov. 1, 2024*Early Decision I DeadlineApplication, scholarship application, CSS Profile and FAFSA due
Early DecemberEarly Decision I Decision ReleaseLook for an email with details about our release date and time, as well as instructions for accessing your decision
Mid-DecemberEarly Decision I Enrollment Deposit DueLog onto your Application Status Page to confirm your enrollment
Early Decision II
DateDeadlineAdditional Details
Jan. 10, 2025*Early Decision II DeadlineApplication, scholarship application, CSS Profile and FAFSA due
Mid-FebruayEarly Decision II Decision ReleaseLook for an email with details about our release date and time, as well as instructions for accessing your decision
Late FebruaryEarly Decision II Enrollment Depisit DueLog onto your Application Status Page to confirm your enrollment
Regular Decision
DateDeadlineAdditional Details
Jan. 10, 2025*Regular Decision DeadlineApplication, scholarship application, CSS Profile and FAFSA due
Mid-MarchRegular Decision Decision ReleaseLook for an email with details about our release date and time, as well as instructions for accessing your decision
May 1, 2025Regular Decision Enrollment Deposit DueLog onto your Application Status Page to confirm your enrollment
All Applicants
DateDeadlineAdditional Details
Aug. 1, 2024Application OpensCommon Application and Coalition Application open
Oct. 1, 2024Financial Aid Forms Become Available
The CSS Profile and FAFSA open for the 24-25 application cycle
May 5, 2025Outstanding Financial Aid Documents DueAny outstanding tax forms or verification documents due.
May 15, 2025Official Test Scores Due**Required for all enrolled students
June 1, 2025Deferral Requests DueRequests to defer enrolment for one year due to Admissions
July 1, 2025Final High School Transcript DueOfficial final high school transcripts for enrolling students due to Admissions

*These are new deadlines that will take effect for the 2025-26 application cycle.

**Students who chose to self-report scores, or chose not to submit test scores, on their application will be required to submit verified test scores if they have taken the ACT or SAT. This will allow the Office of Admissions to understand and assess its current pilot of the test-optional policy. Please know that, for test-optional applicants, submitting official scores after enrolling will not change your admission decision and will strictly be used for research purposes. Students who have never taken the SAT or ACT and do not have scores available are not required to submit a score and should email us at to let us know they've never taken the SAT or ACT. Official scores must be received by May 15. If you are not sure whether you have already submitted official test scores, please log in to your application portal and view your checklist.

View of Malesardi Quad

Learn About Applying

We're looking for students with the drive to discover new truths and invent new possibilities.

How to apply

How to check your application status

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Bucknell at a Glance

Undergraduate students


Students who receive need- or merit-based financial aid from Bucknell

54 %

Students who receive financial aid of some kind

63 %

Average federal student loan indebtedness upon graduation for the Class of 2022, among students who borrowed (compared to about $30,000 nationally)

$ 22,000

Contact Details

Office of Admissions


Monday – Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Saturday: Varies
Sunday: Closed