Browse by letter to find departments, offices, services, centers, faculty and staff.
Russ Eisenhuth
Ken Eisenstein
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Students can choose between two distinct bachelor of science degree tracks in electrical engineering and computer engineering.
Mark Elliott
Carrie Ellis
Kendra Ely
Stacy Embeck
Ariana Emigh-Perella
Theresa Engelbrecht
Aprile Englehart
Terry Engleman
With three distinct majors — creative writing, film/media studies and literary studies — Bucknell's English department builds creativity, critical thinking and an appreciation of language.
Environmental Health & Safety
At the Office of Environmental Health & Safety, we're committed to supporting safe and healthy academic exploration by Bucknell University students, faculty, staff and visitors.
Environmental Studies & Sciences
Environmental studies majors seek solutions to environmental problems faced by humans, while environmental science allows students majoring in the natural sciences to add an environmental concentration to another degree.