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Episode 17: How to Select a College That Will Support Your Dietary Needs

May 31, 2021

If a typical college semester is about 15 weeks long and students eat three meals a day, that means they're eating 315 meals on campus each semester. That's more than 600 meals during each academic year.

That makes food a pretty important part of the college experience — and an important part of choosing which college to attend. This is especially true for students who have special food allergies or dietary needs — or even those students who want to make healthy decisions about food.

So what should students be looking for when deciding which school will meet their dietary needs and preferences? How can families ensure their student will be given plenty of allergy-sensitive options? And, on top of all this, is there a way to know that the food will be both delicious and nutritious before applying?

That's what's on the menu for this episode of College Admissions Insider. Our guest is Bucknell nutrition specialist Tanya Williams, who shares some essential insight.

If you have a question, comment or idea for a future episode, email

Please note: Information presented in this episode was accurate at the time of recording, but may have since changed. Participants may have changed roles or no longer hold positions at Bucknell University.

Episode 17 Transcript