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Episode 4: Inside the Mind of an Application Reader

November 30, 2020

Students pour over every detail of the application, craft the perfect essay and manage to score some top-notch recommendations. But then: silence. No feedback until that envelope or email arrives with the decision.

Even that feedback is limited to just three varieties: Yes, you're in. No, you didn't get in. Or hang on, you've been put on the waitlist. The student doesn't know where they went right or what thinking went into the decision to admit them.

In this episode of College Admissions Insider, brought to you by Bucknell University, Brooke Thames and Bryan Wendell end at least some of that uncertainty surrounding the process of application review.

Listen as Lauren Rambo, Bucknell University's Senior Assistant Director of Admissions, takes you inside the mind of an application reader.

If you have a question, comment or idea for a future episode, email

Please note: Information presented in this episode was accurate at the time of recording, but may have since changed. Participants may have changed roles or no longer hold positions at Bucknell University.

Episode 4 Transcript