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Episode 66: Choosing (and Transferring From) Community College

May 8, 2023

There's no singular path when it comes to continuing your education. For many, heading to a four-year residential university is a natural leap. For others, pursuing trade school or other professional training might be the next logical move.

Then there's the option of community college, which gives students the opportunity to ease into college life, explore a variety of academic disciplines and earn a degree—all in preparation for the next big step.

This episode of College Admissions Insider is all about the role community college can play in a student's educational journey. We're chatting about how community college differs from four-year universities, why a student might consider attending this type of school, tips for transferring into a bachelor's degree program and more.

Our guests are two staff members from Bucknell's Office of Admissions: associate dean of admissions and director of partnerships Caro Mercado and admissions counselor Aries Contreras ’22.

If you have a question, comment or idea for a future episode, email

Please note: Information presented in this episode was accurate at the time of recording, but may have since changed. Participants may have changed roles or no longer hold positions at Bucknell University.

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