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Episode 71: Pursuing College Athletics

August 21, 2023

We know how much college athletics can factor into a student's college journey.

For recreational players, pursuing a sport can be as easy as signing up. For those who are more competitive, the process is more complex.

In today's episode of College Admissions Insider, we differentiate between recreational and competitive college sports and discuss how high school athletes can try to take their game to the collegiate level.

Our guests are Natasha Wilson, senior associate director of athletics at Bucknell, and Chrissy Findlay associate Dean of admissions, athletics, and transfer students.

If you have a question, comment or idea for a future episode, email

Please note: Information presented in this episode was accurate at the time of recording, but may have since changed. Participants may have changed roles or no longer hold positions at Bucknell University.

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Episode 71

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