Andrew Sloboda
About Andrew Sloboda
Educational Background
- B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering, University of Alberta, 2005
- M.A.Sc. Mechanical Engineering, University of Toronto, 2007
- Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, 2013
Research Interests
- Nonlinear dynamical systems and chaos
- Identification of parametric variations
- Fluid-structure interaction
- Vibrations
- Mechanics (MECH 220)
- Dynamics (MECH 252)
- Fluid Dynamics (MECH 313)
- Solid Mechanics (MECH 353)
- System Dynamics (MECH 405)
- Vibration Analysis (MECH 451)
- Advanced Dynamics (MECH 425)
Selected Publications
A.R. Sloboda and C. Kong. Boundary transformation vectors: A geometric method of quantifying attractor deformation for structural health monitoring. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 17(12):121004 1–10, 2022.
A.R. Sloboda and R. S. Sloboda. Refinements of the boundary transformation vector representation of attractor shape deformation to enhance system parameter identification. Chaos, 32(8):083146 1–15, 2022.
A.R. Sloboda. Boundary transformation representation of attractor shape deformation. Chaos, 31(8):083113 1–14, 2021.
A.R. Sloboda. Dynamics in one week. Proc. 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference and Exposition, Virtual, July 2021.
A.R. Sloboda. The effects of context on student perceptions of homework-style problems in engineering. Proc. 2019 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Tampa, FL, June 2019.
A.R. Sloboda. A roller coaster project as part of an undergraduate dynamics course in mechanical engineering. Proc. ASEE Annual Conference & Exhibition, 13778: 1-18, 2015.
A.R. Sloboda and B. I. Epureanu. Maximizing sensitivity vector fields: a parametric study. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 9(2): 021018 1-8, 2014.
A.R. Sloboda and B. I. Epureanu. Sensitivity vector fields in time-delay coordinate embeddings: theory and experiment. Physical Review E, 87(2), 2013.
Further Information
Contact Details
314 Academic East