Brandon Vogel
About Brandon Vogel
Educational Background
- B.ChE., Chemical Engineering, University of Minnesota
- B.S., Chemistry, University of Minnesota
- M.S., Chemical Engineering, Iowa State University
- Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, Iowa State University
- NRC Postdoctoral Fellow, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Polymers Division
- Staff Member, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Polymers Division
Teaching Specialties
- Biomaterials
- Bioprocess engineering
- Transport
Research Interests
- Polymer synthesis
- Controlled and targeted drug delivery
- Microwave methods in polymer and nano-crystal synthesis
Honors, Awards
- Jane W. Griffith Faculty Fellow, Bucknell University, September 2008
- National Institute of Standards and Technology/National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship, November 2004
- Iowa State University Chemical Engineering Department Fellowship, September 1999 - August 2001
- National Science Foundation Lando Fellowship, Summer 1997
- National Science Foundation Lando Fellowship, Summer 1996
- Awarded a UROP Grant (Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program), September 1996
Selected Publications
B.M. Vogel, D.M. DeLongchamp, C.M. Mahoney, L.A. Lucas, D.A. Fischer and E.K. Lin "Interfacial Modification of Silica Surfaces through Gamma-Isocyanatopropyl Triethoxy Silane – Amine Coupling Reactions”, Applied Surface Science, 254, 6, 1789-1796 (2008).
B.M. Vogel, J. T. Cabral, N. Eidelman, S.K. Mallapragada and B. Narasimhan, “Parallel Synthesis and Dissolution Testing of Polyanhydride Random Copolymers”, Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry, 7, 921-928 (2005).
B.M. Vogel and S.K. Mallapragada, “Synthesis of Novel Biodegradable Polyanhydrides Containing Aromatic and Glycol Functionality for Tailoring of Hydrophilicity in Controlled Drug Delivery Devices”, Biomaterials, 26, 721-728 (2004).
S. Lin-Gibson, S. Bencherif, J.A. Cooper, J.M. Antonucci, B.M. Vogel and N.R. Washburn, “Synthesis and Characterization of PEG Dimethacrylates and their Hydrogels”, Biomacromolecules, 5, 1280-1287 (2004).
B.M. Vogel, S.K. Mallapragada, and B. Narasimhan, “Rapid Synthesis of Polyanhydrides by Microwave Polymerization”, Macromolecular Rapid Communications 25, 330-333 (2004).
Further Information
Contact Details
324 Dana Engineering Building