Cameron Walsh
About Cameron Walsh
Pronouns: he, him, his
Hometown: Wilmington, N.C.
Education: B.S. in Communication Studies, Appalachian State University
Favorite spot on campus: One step out of Freas Hall (Admissions Building), the mountains and rolling hills as far as the eye can see. If given the chance it is a must visit in the fall, red, orange, yellow and brown paint a canvas of beauty wrapping around campus. It is such a charming location that our students get to call home.
Favorite Lewisburg restaurant: Matty's Sportshouse Grill. It was the first place I stopped in when visiting Lewisburg and you could feel the Bucknell Pride. Wall-to-wall blue and orange, wonderful staff, sports on every TV and some of the best wings in town! Matty's is always on my list when planning a trip back to campus.
Favorite quote: “Do. Or do not. There is no try.” - Yoda