Chase Gregory
About Chase Gregory
Chase Gregory writes about and teaches courses on gender and sexuality, American identity and popular culture, and graphic literature. They hold a PhD in Literature and a Certificate in Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Studies from Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, and a BA in English and American Studies from Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts.
Dr. Gregory's first book manuscript, As if! Queer Criticism Across Difference (forthcoming from Duke University Press) examines modes of feminist and queer academic criticism that highlight the difficulty of critical cross-identification across difference. In it, they argue that the moment in which queer theory emerges in the academy—a moment overshadowed by the specter of AIDS—produced a new mode of criticism, one that makes space for more ambiguous ways of critical reading and writing. They are also the author of multiple peer-reviewed articles tackling various topics, all of which find common ground in their queer and feminist commitments and methodology. Their articles have appeared in GLQ, differences, Studies in Comics, The Comics Studies Journal, diacritics, Feminist Spaces, and Polygraph Journal.