Christina Xydias
About Christina Xydias
Christina Xydias is a comparativist with a regional focus on Europe.
Educational Background
- Ph.D., The Ohio State University (2010)
- M.A., The Ohio State University (2006)
- A.B., Brown University (2003)
Teaching and Research Interests
- Gender and politics
- European politics
- Comparative political institutions
Beyond Left, Right, and Center: the Politics of Gender and Ethnicity in Contemporary Germany, Temple University Press (June 2024).
Journal Articles
“Gender, Family Status, and Parliamentary Careers in the German Bundestag” (with Susan Franceschet and Malliga Och), Politics, Groups and Identities (forthcoming).
“Why Theorizing and Measuring Shared Experience in Descriptive Representation Is ‘A Mess Worth Making,’” Politics & Gender, 19(4): 1239-1244 (December 2023).
“Reproducing Hierarchies at the APSA Annual Meeting: Patterns of Panel Attendance by Gender, Race, and Ethnicity” (with Jennifer M. Piscopo, Amy L. Atchison, and Malliga Och), PS: Political Science & Politics, 56(1): 61-68 (January 2023).
“This Was the One for Me: AfD Women’s Origin Stories,” German Politics & Society, 38(1): 10-125 (Spring 2020).
“Citizens, Domestic Institutions, and International Organizations: Recent Financial Crises in Greece and Iceland,” Polity, 49(4): 518-547 (October 2017). [Recipient of the 2017 Polity Prize]
“Discrepancies in Women’s Presence Between European National Legislatures and the European Parliament: A Contextual Explanation,” Political Research Quarterly, 69(4): 800-812 (December 2016).
“Women’s Organizing and Intersectional Policymaking in Comparative Perspective: Evidence from Guatemala and Germany” (with Shannon Drysdale Walsh), Politics, Groups, and Identities, 2(4): 549-572 (December 2014).
“Women’s Rights in Germany: Generations and Gender Quotas,” Politics & Gender, 10(1): 4-32 (March 2014).
“Mapping the Language of Women’s Interests: Sex and Party Affiliation in the Bundestag,” Political Studies, 61(2): 319-340 (June 2013).
“Inviting More Women to the Party: Women’s Substantive Representation and Gender Quotas in Germany,” International Journal of Sociology, 37(4): 52-66 (Winter 2007-8).
Book Chapters
“Left, Right, and Center: Women’s Political Incorporation in the OECD,” in Sell-Outs or Warriors for Change? A Comparative Look at Conservative Women in Politics in Democracies, Eds. Malliga Och, Shauna Shames, and Rosalyn Cooperman, Routledge (November 2022).
“Political Ideologies,” in political science is for everybody, Ed. Amy L. Atchison, University of Toronto Press (February 2021).
“The Last Occupational Prohibition: Constructing Women’s Entrance into the Bundeswehr,” in Gender, Intersections, and Institutions: Intersectional Groups Building Alliances and Gaining Voice in Germany, Ed. Louise Davidson-Schmich, University of Michigan Press (2018).
“Republican Female Lawmakers’ Contributions to Legislative Debates in the 113th U.S.Congress,” in Women as Republican Party Activists, Candidates, and Legislators, Eds. Malliga Och and Shauna Shames, Praeger (2018).
“Gender Differences and Egalitarianism in Poland,” in Continuity and Change in Social Life: Structural and Psychological Adjustment in Poland, Eds. Kazimierz Slomczynski and Sandy Marquart-Pyatt, IFiS (2007).