Claire Campbell
About Claire Campbell
Professor Campbell is interested in the environmental history of North America and the North Atlantic world, and the history of Canada. She has taught at universities across Canada and in Denmark, in the areas of history, Canadian Studies, and Environment and Sustainability.
Her research seeks to use environmental history to expand public history and public discussions of sustainability and environmental policy. She is interested in the preservation and interpretation of historic places, the role of the humanities in sustainability education, and historical inspirations for post-industrial society.
Her publications include Shaped by the West Wind: Nature and History in Georgian Bay (2005) and Nature, Place, and Story: Rethinking Historic Sites in Canada (2017), as well as numerous articles in environmental history and edited collections on Atlantic Canada, the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and Parks Canada. Her current project, Cities by the Sea, examines the place of water in Atlantic cities and the history of Canada’s Atlantic coastlines.
Educational Background
- B.A., University of King's College at Dalhousie University
- M.A., Ph.D., Western University
Twitter: @HKHClaire
Further Information
Contact Details
69 Coleman Hall