Eric Kennedy
About Eric Kennedy
Eric Kennedy is an Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering at Bucknell University, earning his Ph.D. from the Virginia Tech-Wake Forest School for Biomedical Engineering and Science's Center for Injury Biomechanics.
Professor Kennedy generally contributes to BMEG 210 - a first-year introductory course to Biomedical engineering, BMEG 250 - a second-year mechanics/biomechanics course, BMEG 409 - a hands-on skills and design/ fabrication course, and the BMEG senior design capstone experience. He has published several course innovations and experiences at the American Society for Engineering Education, and is active in incorporating/ disseminating pedagogical best-practices at Bucknell.
Eric's research investigates the human body's tolerance to injury with the intent to make the world around us safer. During his time at Virginia Tech and since arriving at Bucknell, Eric and his students have been involved in injury research for the US Army, automotive manufacturers and automotive safety system suppliers, collaborative research between Bucknell and Geisinger Health, and currently playground injury mitigation research.
Additionally, Eric is a co-creator of the Bucknell Fabrication Workshop (B-Fab) and extracurricular College of Engineering Design Challenges. Both activities are aimed to provide students with instruction on practices of design and "making" while providing additional outlets to test and develop students' design aptitude, particularly in prototyping skills to demonstrate preliminary designs' abilities to meet identified customer needs.
In 2012, Eric was honored with the Biomedical Teaching Award, a national award from the American Society of Engineering Education, while his and his students' research has been recognized at the Stapp Car Crash Conference, the American Society of Biomechanics, the World Congress of Biomechanics, and the Biomedical Engineering Society. Prior to earning his Ph.D., Eric worked as a mechanical engineer for Tenneco Automotive, Pratt & Whitney, and Northrop Grumman.
Educational Background
- B.S. Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park
- M.S. Mechanical Engineering with Biomedical Option, Virginia Tech
- Ph.D. Biomedical Engineering, Virginia Tech
Work Experience
- Senior Research Assistant, Virginia Tech - Wake Forest Center for Injury Biomechanics (CIB) 2002-2007
- Mechanical Engineer, Northrop Grumman Corporation 2000 - 2002
- Flight Test Engineer, United Technologies Corporation 2000
- Co-op Engineer, Walker Electronic Silencing, Tenneco Automotive 1997 - 1999
Teaching Interests
- Biomechanics and injury prevention
- Data analysis and professional communication
- Fabrication technologies and skills
- Instrumentation and data acquisition
- Mechanical design/CAD
- Mechanics of materials
- Statics
- American Society of Biomechanics, Pre-Doctoral Young Scientist Award (2007)
- VT College of Engineering Torgersen Award for PhD Research (2007)
- SAE Stapp Car Crash Journal Student Paper Award (2006)
- Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation (2007 Best Paper Award)
- Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation (2006 President's Award)
- Dean's Recognition for Outstanding Teaching (2005)
- SAE Doctoral Scholars Recipient (2004-2007)
- VT College of Engineering Torgersen Award for Master's Research (2004)
- Barry R. Maxwell Award: ABET Accreditation Team 2014
- Winner: BMES Undergraduate Student Research & Design Competition (Advisor to Sarah Denning), Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting 2015
- Winner: BMES Undergraduate Student Research & Design Competition (Advisor to Greg Danchik), Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting 2014
- First Place: Undergraduate Student Research Competition (Advisor to Sarah Denning), 7th World Congress of Biomechanics 2014
- First Place: Engineering & Natural Sciences Track (Advisor to Greg Danchik), 4th Susquehanna Valley Undergraduate Research Conference (SVURS) 2014
- Faculty Member of the Year: Bucknell University, National Residence Hall Honorary 2014
- American Society of Engineering Education, Biomedical Engineering Teaching Award 2012
- Swanson Fellow, Bucknell University 2007 - 2010
- Best Presentation Award Winner (Advisor to Samantha Clark), Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation 2010
- Anthony Sances Jr. Award Winner (Advisor to Samantha Clark), Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation 2010
Research Interests
Injury Biomechanics, including
- Auto, military, consumer product, and sports safety
- Child injury prevention
- Eye injury biomechanics
- Lower extremity injury biomechanics
- Playground safety
Selected Publications
Tranquillo J, Ebenstein D, Kennedy E, Bieryla K, Cavanagh D (2015) Product archaeology: unearthing business decisions. Journal of Engineering Entrepreneurship 6(1): 22-36.
Weaver AA, Kennedy EA, Duma SM, Stitzel JD (2011) Evaluation of different projectiles in matched experimental eye impact simulations. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 133(3): 031002-01 - 031002-10.
Kemper AR, Kennedy EA, McNally C, Manoogian SJ, Stitzel JD, Duma SM (2011) Reducing chest injuries in automobile collisions: rib fracture timing and implications for thoracic injury criteria. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 39(8): 2141-2151.
Duma SM, Kemper AR, Stitzel JD, Mcnally C, Kennedy EA, Matsuoka F (2011) Rib fracture timing in dynamic belt tests with human cadavers. Clinical Anatomy 24: 327-338. Special Issue on Cadaver Use in Trauma Research.
Kennedy EA, Duma SM (2008) The effects of the extraocular muscles on eye impact force-deflection and globe rupture response. Journal of Biomechanics 41(16): 3297-3302.
Kemper AC, McNally C, Kennedy EA, Manoogian SJ, Duma SM. (2008) The influence of arm position on thoracic response in side impacts. Stapp Car Crash Journal 52: 379-420.
Kennedy EA, Inzana JA, McNally C, Depinet P, Sullenberger KH, Morgan CR, Brozoski FT, Duma SM (2007) Development and validation of a synthetic eye and orbit for estimating the potential for globe rupture due to specific impact conditions. Stapp Car Crash Journal 51: 381-400.
Kennedy EA, Ng TP, McNally C, Stitzel JD, Duma SM (2006) Risk functions for human and porcine eye rupture based on projectile characteristics of blunt objects. Stapp Car Crash Journal 50: 651-671.
Manoogian SJ, Kennedy EA, Wilson K, Duma SM, Alem NM (2006) Predicting neck injuries due to head supported mass. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine 77(5): 509-514.
Kemper AR, McNally C, Kennedy EA, Manoogian SJ, Rath AL, Ng TP, Stitzel JD, Smith EP, Duma SM, Matsuoka F (2005) Material properties of human rib cortical bone from dynamic tension coupon testing. Stapp Car Crash Journal 49: 199-230. SAE 2005-22-0010.
Duma SM, Ng TP, Kennedy EA, Stitzel JD, Herring IP, Kuhn F (2005) Determination of significant parameters for eye injury risk from projectiles. Journal of Trauma 59(4): 960-964.
Kennedy EA, Hurst WJ, Stitzel JD, Cormier JM, Hansen GA, Smith EP and Duma SM (2004) Lateral and posterior dynamic bending of the mid-shaft femur: fracture risk curves for the adult population. Stapp Car Crash Journal 48: 27-51. SAE 2004-22-0002.
Duma SM, Hansen GA, Kennedy EA, Rath AL, McNally C, Kemper AR, Smith EP, Brolinson G, Stitzel JD (2004) Upper extremity interaction with a helicopter side airbag: injury criteria for dynamic hyperextension of the female elbow joint. Stapp Car Crash Journal 48: 155-176. SAE 2004-22-0007.
Stitzel JD, Cormier JM, Barretta JT, Kennedy EA, Smith EP, Rath AL, Duma SM (2003) Defining regional variation in the material properties of human rib cortical bone and its effect on fracture prediction. Stapp Car Crash Journal 47: 243-265. SAE 2003-22-0012.
Underline indicates undergraduate researcher
Kennedy EA, DiDomenico C, Goshorn J, Zahn T (2012) Final report: assessment of eye injury risk resulting from free-field blast exposures using the FOCUS headform. Battelle Chapel Hill Operations / US Army Aeromedical Research Laboratory.
Kennedy EA, Duma SM (2010, Update 07/08/2011) Final report: eye injury risk functions for human and FOCUS eyes: hyphema, lens dislocation, and retinal damage. US Army Medical Research and Materiel Command / US Army Aeromedical Research Laboratory.
Further Information
Contact Details
323 Academic East Building