Katie Hays

Katie Hays

Associate Professor of Creative Writing
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About Katie Hays

K.A. (Katie) Hays is an Assistant Professor in the Creative Writing Program of the English Department. She earned an MFA in the Literary Arts at Brown University, and is the author of three books of poetry: Windthrow (2017), Early Creatures, Native Gods (2012), and Dear Apocalypse (2009), all from Carnegie Mellon University Press. Poems from her books have appeared in magazines such as Tin House, American Poetry Review, Black Warrior Review, and Gray's Sporting Journal, and in anthologies including Best American Poetry. In addition to teaching, Hays is also Director of the Bucknell Seminar for Undergraduate Poets, a program of the Stadler Center for Poetry & Literary Arts.

Educational Background

  • MFA, Brown University

Teaching Interests

  • Creative writing: poetry, fiction (the short story)
  • Contemporary American poetry
  • Contemporary fiction

Current Projects and Research Interests

In-progress fourth book of poetry, a newly-published poem from which you can read at Los Angeles Review.

Selected Publications

Windthrow, book of poetry, 2017 (Carnegie Mellon University Press)

Early Creatures, Native Gods, book of poetry, 2012 (Carnegie Mellon University Press)

Dear Apocalypse, book of poetry, 2009 (Carnegie Mellon University Press)

Poems published online

from WINDTHROW (2017):

"Mind in Flock, Mind Apart"

"Heat Goes out Walking in the Cold"

"Mother Goose Self-Help"

"Windthrow" and "Windflaw"


"Flood" (with audio)


"To Mindless Forces"


"Psalm against a Rapture"

from DEAR APOCALYPSE (2009):

"This Morning after Snow, the Bod Scrapes off"


"Just as, After a Point, Job Cried Out" (short film via MotionPoems'work with Best American Poetry)

Further Information

Contact Details