KB Boomer
About KB Boomer
Educational Background
- Pennsylvania State University, Ph.D. in Statistics
- Pennsylvania State University, M.S. in Statistics
- Colby College, B.A. in Mathematics
Research Interests
- Structural Equation Modeling, with applications to Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling
- Genetic algorithms, with applications to Geophysics
- Hierarchical Linear Mixed Modeling, with applications to Genetics
- Missing data, with general applications
Selected Publications
Chiu, Y.J., Boomer, K., Conyers, L., Wang, Y., and Misrok, M., (in press) Examining the relationships between social determinants of health and health-related quality of life among individuals living with HIV, Rehab. Res. Pol. & Educ. To appear, 2020.
Chiu, Y.J., Boomer, K.B., and Conyers, L.M. (2018) "The impact of psychosocial factors on health and retention outcomes for people living with HIV", Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, DOI: 10.1177/0034355218755304
Conyers, L.M., and Boomer, K.B. (2017) "Validating the client focused considering work model for people living with HIV and quantifying phases of change of commitment to work", Disability and Rehabilitation, 39(11), 1087-1096.
Conyers, L.M., and Boomer, K.B. (2017) "Evaluating the Relative Impact of State Vocational Rehabilitation and American Job Centers on Contributing to the Goals of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy," Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 47(2), 135-147.
Conyers, L. & Boomer, K.B. (2016). Validating the client-focused considering work model for people living with HIV and quantifying phases of change of commitment to work. Disability and Rehabilitation, 39(11), 1087-1096.
Rueda, S., Smith, P., Tsegaye, B., O’Brien, K., Husbands, W., Li, A., Jose, M., Mittmann, N., Rachlis, A., Conyers, L., Boomer, K., Rourke, S., and the ECHO Study Team, (2015) "Is any job better than no job? Labor market experiences and depressive symptoms in people living with HIV", AIDS Care, 27(7): 907.
Moreno-De-Luca, A., Evans, D.W., Boomer, K., Hanson, E.; Bernier, R., Goin-Kochel, R.P., Myers, S.M., Challman, T.D., Moreno-De-Luca, D., Slane, M.M., Hare, A.E., Chung, W.K., Spiro, J., Faucett, W.A., Martin, C.L., Ledbetter, D.H. (2015) "The role of parental cognitive, behavioral, and motor profiles in clinical variability in individuals with chromosome 16p11.2 deletions", JAMA Psychiatry,72, 119-126.
Hanson, E., Bernier, R., Porche, K., Jackson, F.I, Goin-Kochel, R.P., Snyder, L.G., Snow, A.V., Wallace, A.S., Campe, K., Zhang, Y., Chen, Q., D’Angelo, D., Moreno De Luca, A., Orr, P.T., Boomer, K.B., Evans, D.W., Kanne, S., Berry, L., Miller, F.K, Olsen, J., Sheer, E., Martin, C.L., Ledbetter, D.H., Spiro, J., Chung, W. (2015) "The cognitive and behavioral phenotype of the 16p11.2 deletion in a clinically ascertained population," Biological Psychiatry, 77, 785-793.
Evans, D.W., Lazar, S.M., Boomer, K.B., Mitchel, A.D., Michael, A.M., and Moore, G.J. (2014) "Social cognition and brain morphology: Implications for developmental brain dysfunction," Brian Imaging and Behavior 9(2), 264-74. doi: 10.1007/s11682-014-9304-1.
Evans, D.W., Kleinpeter, L., Slane, M.M., Boomer, K.B. (2014), "Adaptive and maladaptive correlates of repetitive behavior and restrictive interests in persons with Down Syndrome and developmentally-matched typical children: A two-year longitudinal sequential design", PLOS ONE, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0093951, 4/7/14
Slane, M.M., Lusk, L.G., Boomer, K.B., Harre, A.E., King, M.K., and Evans, D.W. (2014) "Social cognition, face processing, and oxytocin receptor single nucleotide polymorphisms in typically-developing children", Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 9, 160-171. doi: 10.1016/j.dcn.2014.04.001.
Conyers, L. and Boomer, KB, (2014) "Examining the role of vocational rehabilitation on access to care and public health outcomes for people living with HIV/AIDS," Disability and Rehabilitation, 36(14):1203-10.
Further Information
Contact Details
474 Olin Science Building