Kevin Gilmore
About Kevin Gilmore
Educational Background
- B.S. in Civil Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1996
- M.S. in Environmental Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1999
- Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2008
Research Interests
- Novel biological processes for nutrient removal from wastewater (nitrogen and phosphorus)
- Molecular methods for microbial community analysis
- Membrane processes for separation and aeration
- Microenvironments, structure, and function in microbial biofilms
- Emissions of greenhouse gases (N2O) from wastewater treatment processes
- Life cycle assessment (LCA) for quantification and reduction of environmental impacts
Current Research
- Mechanistic modeling of oxygen transfer in hollow-fiber membrane-aerated biofilm reactors (HFMBRs)
- Coupling of aerobic and anaerobic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in mixed community biofilms
- Membrane-carbonated phototrophic biofilms for simultaneous nutrient removal and biogas purification
- Quantifying life-cycle environmental impacts of water transportation for hydraulic fracturing in the Marcellus shale formation
- Life cycle assessment of organic and nutrient pollutant impacts due to runoff from green roofs
Teaching Specialties
- Design of water and wastewater treatment facilities
- Unit operations and processes
- Environmental engineering microbiology
- Environmental engineering chemistry
- Environmental pollution and control
- Hazardous wastes
Selected Publications
Gilmore, K.R., R.L. Hupp, and J. Glathar. (2014) Transport of Hydraulic Fracturing Water and Wastes in the Susquehanna River Basin, Pennsylvania. Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE. 140 [5]: B40123002-1-B4013002-10.
Gilmore, K. R., A. Terada, S. Lackner, B. F. Smets, J.L. Garland, and N.G. Love. (2013) Autotrophic Nitrogen Removal In a Membrane-Aerated Biofilm Reactor Under Continuous Aeration: A Demonstration. Environmental Engineering Science, 30(1):38-45.
Gilmore, K. R., J. C. Little, B. F. Smets, and N. G. Love. (2009) Oxygen transfer model for a flow-through hollow-fiber membrane biofilm reactor. Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE. 135(9):806-814.
Love, N. G., R. J. Smith, K. R. Gilmore, and C. W. Randall. (1999) Oxime inhibition of nitrification during treatment of an ammonia-containing industrial wastewater. Water Environment Research, 71:4, p. 418-426.
Gilmore, K. R., K. J. Husovitz, T. C. Holst, and N. G. Love. (1999) Influence of organic and ammonia loading on nitrifier activity and nitrification performance for a two-stage biological aerated filter system. Water Science and Technology, 39:7, p. 227-234.
Gilmore, K. R. 2015. Teaching life cycle assessment in environmental engineering: a disinfection case study for students. In review, Int. J. Life Cycle Assess.
Gilmore, K. R., and H. V. Luong. 2015. An improved method for measuring total dissolved solids. In review, Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts.
Glathar, J., M. R. Oswald Beiler, and K. R. Gilmore (2015). "Exploring Civil Engineering Through Applied GIS." In, STEM and GIS in Higher Education. Ed. David J. Cowen. Redlands, CA: ESRI. In press.
Gilmore, K. R., R. E. Capuno, Jr., N. G. Love, and B. F. Smets. (2006) Anaerobic stabilization of early planetary base ersatz wastewater formulation. Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Technical Paper Series 2006-01-2255. 36th International Conference on Environmental Systems, SAE, Norfolk, VA.
Armenio, M. and K. R. Gilmore. (2013) O2 and pH microsensor study of a membrane-carbonated phototrophic biofilm. Poster presentation. 3rd International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels, and Bioproducts. Toronto, Canada. June 16-19.
Armenio, M. and K. R. Gilmore. (2013) A suspended growth photobioreactor for biogas enrichment. Accepted for podium presentation, 86th Annual Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC), Chicago, IL, October 5-9, 2013.
Shopiro, B., R. Crago, and K. R. Gilmore. (2012) Impacts of runoff water quality from extensive green roofs. Accepted for poster and alternate for podium presentation. Proceedings of the 85th Annual Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC), New Orleans, LA, September 29 - October 3, 2012.
Shopiro, B., R. Crago, and K. R. Gilmore (2012) Runoff water quality and pollutant mass loads from extensive green roofs. PWEA Student research award winner. Podium and poster presentation. Pennsylvania Water Environment Association Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (PennTec), State College, PA, June 2012.
Kulish, C. A. and Gilmore, K. R. (2010) Marcellus Shale natural gas wastewater characterization and treatment; Susquehanna watershed TDS analysis. Student presentation and Student Research Award. Pennsylvania Water Environment Association Annual Technical Conference (PennTec), State College, PA. June, 2010.
Gilmore, K. R. (2010) Membrane treatment of Marcellus Shale flowback wastewater. Pennsylvania Water Symposium, PA WRRI. State College, PA, May 5-6, 2010. (podium presentation only)
Gilmore, K. R. (2010) Characterization and membrane treatment of Marcellus shale flowback water. Susquehanna River Heartland Coalition for Environmental Studies Marcellus Shale Summit. Williamsport, PA. January 29, 2010.
Gilmore, K. R., B. F. Smets, A. Terada, S. Lackner, J. L. Garland, N. G. Love. (2009) Microbial community analysis in an autotrophic hollow-fiber membrane-aerated biofilm reactor (HFMBR) treating a high-strength nitrogen wastewater. Abstract proceedings of the ASPD5 (Activated Sludge Population Dynamics) Specialised Conference: Microbial Population Dynamics in Biological Wastewater Treatment. International Water Association. Aalborg, Denmark, May 24-27, 2009. 146-148.
Gilmore, K. R., B. F. Smets, J. L. Garland, A. Terada, and N. G. Love. (2008) Controlling gaseous nitrogen oxide emissions and nitrogen removal performance in hollow fiber membrane aerated biofilm reactors. Proceedings of the WEF Membrane Technology 2008 Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, January 27-30, 2008.
Gilmore, K. R., J. C. Little, N. G. Love, and B. F. Smets, (2007) Oxygen mass transfer in a flow-through hollow-fiber membrane aeration reactor. Proceedings of the 80th Annual Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC), San Diego, California, October 13-17, 2007.
Beck, J. L., K. R. Gilmore, K. Knowlton, J. Ogejo, and N. G. Love. (2007) Nitrogen removal from dairy waste using deammonification fueled by fermented dairy manure. Proceedings of the 80th Annual Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC), San Diego, California, October 13-17, 2007.
Gilmore, K. R. and A. Kantardjieff. (2004) Process modeling of an industrial activated sludge system for aeration capacity expansion and improved operation. Podium presentation (by A. Kantardjieff). WEF/A&WMA 10th Annual Industrial Wastes Technical and Regulatory Conference. Philadelphia, PA. 2004.
Gilmore, K. R. and A. Kantardjieff. (2003) Bugs can talk - put your plant under the microscope. Podium presentation. NC AWWA/WEA 2003 Annual Conference. Winston Salem, NC.
Gilmore, K. R., F. R. Stroud, D. Morgan, and D. Shellenbarger. (2002) Case history of a BNR process upgrade. Podium presentation. VA AWWA/VWEA Water Jam (2002) Virginia Beach, VA.
Gilmore, K. R., F. R. Stroud, D. Morgan. (2001) Process simulation of a BNR process upgrade using computer modeling. Podium presentation. NC AWWA/WEA 2001 Annual Conference. Pinehurst, NC.
Love, N. G., K. R. Gilmore, K. J. Husovitz, A. Delahaye, J. T. Novak, and J. C. Little. (1999) Performance of a biological aerated filter system treating domestic wastewater for BOD, ammonia, and TSS removal: pilot plant results. Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation 72nd Annual Conference and Exposition, New Orleans, LA, October 9-13, 1999.
Husovitz, K. J., K. R. Gilmore, A. Delahaye, N. G. Love, and J. C. Little. (1999) The influence of upflow liquid velocity on nitrification in a biological aerated filter. Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation 72nd Annual Conference and Exposition, New Orleans, LA, October 9-13, 1999.
Delahaye, A. P., K. R. Gilmore, K. J. Husovitz, N. G. Love, T. Holst, and J. T. Novak. (1999) Distribution and characteristics of biomass in pilot-scale upflow biological aerated filters treating domestic wastewater. Proceedings of the IAWQ Conference on Biofilm Systems. International Association on Water Quality, New York, New York, October 17-20, 1999.
Love, N. G., A. Delahaye, K. R. Gilmore, T. Holst, K. J. Husovitz, J. C. Little, and J. T. Novak. (1999) Performance of a two-stage biological aerated filter system treating domestic wastewater for BOD and ammonia removal - pilot-scale results. Podium presentation (by N. Love). Virginia Water Environment Association Annual Meeting, May 1999, Tyson's Corner, VA.
Gilmore, K. R., K. J. Husovitz, T. Holst, and N. G. Love. (1998) Influent of organic and ammonia loading on nitrifier activity and nitrification performance for a two-stage biological aerated filter system. 1998. Proceedings of the International Specialty Conference on Microbial Ecology of Biofilms: Concepts, Tools, and Applications, International Association on Water Quality, Lake Bluff, Illinois, October 8-10, 1998. 309-316.