M. Laura Beninati
About M. Laura Beninati
Educational Background
- B.S. in Architectural Engineering, Drexel University, 1994
- B.S. in Civil Engineering, Drexel University, 1994
- M.S. in Civil Engineering, Drexel University, 1997
- M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Drexel University, 1997
- Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, The University of Iowa, 2004
Research Interests
- Environmental fluid mechanics
- Sediment transport
- Multi-phase fluid dynamics
- Turbulence and vortex dynamics
- Instrumentation development for experiments in fluids
- Experimental methods in fluid mechanics
- Fluid Mechanics
- Thermodynamics
- Engineering Experimentation
- Engineering Analysis (mathematical methods)
Selected Honors and Awards:
- Lindback Career Enhancement Minority Junior Faculty Grant 2007
- Swanson Research Fellow 2005-2007
- Amelia Earhart Scholarship Award 2002-2003
- AAUW Dissertation Fellowship 2001-2002
Selected Publications
M.L. Beninati & J.S. Marshall, An experimental study of the effect of free-stream turbulence on a trailing vortex, Experiments in Fluids 38, 244-257 (2005).
J.S. Marshall & M.L. Beninati, External turbulence interaction with a columnar vortex with and without axial flow, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 540, 221-245 (2005).
J.S. Marshall & M.L. Beninati, Analysis of subgrid-scale torque for large-eddy simulation of turbulence, AIAA Journal 41(10), 1875-1881 (2003).
J.S. Marshall & M.L. Beninati, Turbulence evolution in vortex-dominated flows, Advances in Fluid Mechanics 25 (Nonlinear Instability, Chaos and Turbulence II, edited by L. Debnath and D.N. Riahi), WIT Press, Southampton, England (2000).
Further Information
Contact Details
308 Dana Engineering Building