Mary Beth Gray
About Mary Beth Gray
Educational Background
- Ph.D. Geological Sciences, University of Rochester
- M.A. Geology, Bryn Mawr College
- B.A. Geology, Bucknell University
- B.S. Civil Engineering, Bucknell University
Research Interests
- Fold and thrust belt geometry, kinematics and strain patterns
- Fault zone architecture and processes
- Tectonics and synorogenic sedimentation
- Fluid migration and evolution during orogenesis
- Geophysical applications in structural geology
- GEOL 103 Dynamic Earth
- GEOL 106 Environmental Geology
- GEOL 250 Geology for Engineers
- GEOL 314 / 620 Structural Geology
- GEOL 334 / 601 Geophysics
- GEOL 319 / 320 Undergraduate Research (formal semester-long projects)
- GEOL 322 Tectonics
- GEOL 329 Senior Program I (thesis proposal development)
- GEOL 430 Senior Program II (thesis writing)
- FOUN XXX The Tender Land
- FOUN XXX Exploring Earthquakes
- Travel Field Geology Courses (Field geology of Utah, Nevada/California, New Mexico)
Selected Publications
Refereed Journal Articles
Sak, P.B., Gray, M.B., and Ismat, Z., 2014, Significance of the deformation history within the hinge zone of the Pennsylvania salient, Appalachian Mountains. Journal of Geology v.122, 367-380.
Jacob, R., Byler, J., and Gray, M.B., 2013, Integrated geophysical investigation of the St. James Fault Complex: a case study. Geophysics v. 78, 275-285.
Daniel, C.G., Jones, J.V., III, Andronicos, C. L., and Gray, M.B., 2013, Making the case for the Picuris orogeny: Evidence for a 1500 to 1400 Ma orogenic event in the southwestern United States. in Abbott, L.D., and Hancock, G.S., eds, Classic Concepts and New Directions: Exploring 125 Years of GSA Discoveries in the Rocky Mountain Region: Geological Society of America Field Guide 33, p. 205-236.
Engelder, T., Ferrill, D., Gray, M.B., and Wiltschko, D., eds., 2009, The Nickelsen-Groshong volume: Low-temperature deformation mechanisms and their interpretation. Journal of Structural Geology Special Issue, 31.
Engelder, T., Gray, M.B., Ferrill, D., and Wiltschko, D. 2009, Preface: The Nickelsen-Groshong volume: Low-temperature deformation mechanisms and their interpretation. Journal of Structural Geology Special Issue 9,31. 862-864
Day-Lewis, F. D., Gray, M.B., Garfield, R.L., and Day-Lewis, A. D., 2006, An on-campus well field for hydrogeophysics education and undergraduate research. Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 54, p 480-486.
Gray, M.B., Stamatakos, J. A., Ferrill, D.A., and Evans, M.A., 2005, Fault zone deformation in welded tuffs of Yucca Mountain, Nevada, U.S.A. Journal of Structural Geology. v. 27, p. 1873-1891.
Gray, M. B, and Mitra, G., 1999, Ramifications of four-dimensional progressive deformation in contractional mountain belts: Journal of Structural Geology, 20th Anniversary Special Issue, v. 21, p. 1151-1160.
Gray, M.B., and Stamatakos, J., 1997, New model for evolution of fold and thrust belt curvature based on integrated structural and paleomagnetic results from the Pennsylvania salient: Geology, v. 25, p. 1067-1070.
Gray, M.B., and Zeitler, P.K., 1997, Comparison of clastic wedge provenance in the Appalachian foreland using U/Pb ages of detrital zircons: Tectonics, v. 16, p. 151-160.
Gray, M. B., and Mitra, G., 1993, Migration of deformation fronts during progressive deformation: evidence from detailed studies in the Pennsylvania Southern Anthracite region, U.S.A.: Journal of Structural Geology, v. 15, p. 435-450.
DeCelles, P. G., Gray, M. B., Ridgway, K. D., Cole, R. B., Srivastava, P., Pequera, N., and Pivnik, D. A., 1991, History and kinematics of foreland uplift from synorogenic conglomerate, Beartooth Range, Wyoming and Montana: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 103, p. 1458-1476.
DeCelles, P. G., Gray, M. B., Ridgway, K. D., Cole, R. B., Pivnik, D. A., Pequera, N., and Srivastava, P., 1991, Controls on alluvial-fan architecture, Beartooth Conglomerate (Palaeocene), Wyoming and Montana: Sedimentology, v. 38, p. 567-590.
Gray, M. B., and Nickelsen, R. P., 1989, Pedogenic slickensides, indicators of strain and deformation processes in redbed sequences of the Appalachian foreland: Geology, v. 17, p. 72-75.