Matthew McTammany
About Matthew McTammany
Professor McTammany teaches in the Department of Biology and the Environmental Studies Program.
Educational Background
- Ph.D., Virginia Tech
- M.S., Virginia Tech
- B.S., Bucknell University
Research Interests
- Stream and river ecology
- Human impact on aquatic ecosystems
- Restoration and management of aquatic ecosystems
- Carbon and nutrient dynamics in ecosystems
- Aquatic Ecology
- Ecosystem Ecology
- Ecology and Evolution
- Environmental Biology
Selected Publications
Wilson, M. J., M. E. McTammany, and H. R. Bohr. 2019. Manganese oxides as localized drivers of benthic invertebrate density and community structure. Hydrobiologia 838(1):85-98.
Wilson, M. J., and M. E. McTammany. 2016. Spatial scale and dispersal influence metacommunity dynamics of benthic invertebrates in a large river. Freshwater Science. DOI: 10.1086/685732.
Wilson, M. J., M. E. McTammany, M. D. Bilger, S. P. Reese, and B. R. Hayes. 2015. Combining data from multiple agencies to assess benthic macroinvertebrate communities in a large gravel-bed river. Freshwater Science 34(2):593-605.
Wilson, M. J., and M. E. McTammany. 2014. Direct and indirect mass effects: tributary influences on benthic macroinvertebrates in a large river. Hydrobiologia 738(1):75-85.
Bott, T. L., J. K. Jackson, M. E. McTammany, J. D. Newbold, S. T. Rier, B. W. Sweeney, and J. M. Battle. 2012. Abandoned coal mine drainage and its remediation: impacts on stream ecosystem structure and function. Ecological Applications 22(8), 2144-2163.