Melissa Intindola

Melissa Intindola

Associate Professor of Management & Organizations
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About Melissa Intindola


  • PhD, Business Administration, New Mexico State University, 2015.
  • MBA, Business Administration, Indiana University Southeast, 2010.
  • BSBA, Management and Marketing, Indiana University Southeast, 2008.

Recent and Representative Publications

Intindola, M., Wagner, B., (2024) An Experiential Learning Approach to the Introduction to Business Course. Information Systems Education Journal. 22(2), 13-29.

Intindola, M., Burke-Kolehmainen, C., (2024) Deep Pockets or Empty Coffers? Functional Expenses, Contribution Revenue, and the Ability of Nonprofits to Pivot During COVID-19. American Journal of Business. 39(2), 65-95.

Intindola, M., Burke-Kolehmainen, C., (2023) Creeping COVID Catastrophe: The Impact of COVID-19 on Nonprofits by Sector. Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management. 35(5), 621-643.

Intindola, M., Stamper, C., (2023) HRM and Disenfranchisement: Working Beyond Organizational Boundaries to Tackle Societal Barriers. Human Resource Management Review. 33(3), 100965.

Intindola, M., Akingbola, K., Rogers, S., (2022) Employee Engagement in Nonprofit Organizations – Theory and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan.

Intindola, M., Vendette, S., Spiller, C., Helmuth, C., (2022) Reconstructing Authenticity Through a Multi-Paradigmatic Umbrella: A Process Perspective. Leadership. 18(6), 775-800.

Intindola, M., Ofstein, L., (2021) Change through Chaos: Using Bricolage in Cross-Sector Social Partnerships. New England Journal of Entrepreneurship. 24(2), 122-136.

Intindola, M., Pittz, T., (2021) Scaling Social Innovation Through Cross-Sector Social Partnerships: Driving Optimal Performance. https://… Emerald Publishing Limited.

Intindola, M., Pittz, G. T., Adler, T., Rogers, S., Gard, C., (2019) Collaborating Smartly: The Role of Open Strategy in Absorptive Capacity. Journal of Small Business Management. 57(4), 1595-1615.

Intindola, M., Lewis, G., Flinchbaugh, C., Rogers, E. S., (2019) Web-based recruiting's impact on organizational image and familiarity: too much of a good thing?. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 30(19), 2732-2753.

Intindola, M., Ross, P. J., Boje, M. D., (2017) It Was the Best of Times; It Was the Worst of Times: The Expiration of Work-Life Balance. Journal of Management Inquiry. 26(2), 202-215.

Intindola, M., Weisinger, Y. J., Benson, P., Pittz, T., (2017) The evolution of devolution in HR. Personnel Review. 46(8), 1796-1815.

Intindola, M., Rogers, E. S., Jiang, K., Rogers, M. C., (2016) Strategic Human Resource Management of Volunteers and the Link to Hospital Patient Satisfaction. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. 45(2), 409-424.

Recent Courses Taught

  • MGMT 101, Introduction to Organization and Management.
  • MORS 310, Talent Acquisition & Development.
  • MORS 302, Responsible Management.
  • MORS 250, Poverty and Organizations.
  • MGMT 302, The Stakeholder Organization.

Further Information

Contact Details


211 Holmes Hall