Michael Prince
About Michael Prince
Educational Background
- B.S.Ch.E., Worcester Polytechnic Institute
- Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley
Teaching Specialties
- Design
- Biochemical engineering
- Unit operations
- Heat transfer
Research Interests
- Active and inductive pedagogies
- Assessment and repair of student misconceptions
- Factors affecting student motivation and self-directed learning
- Faculty development and cultural change
Selected Publications
Komives, C., M. Prince & F. Fernandez, 2011. "Integration of Biological Applications into the Core Undergraduate Curriculum: A Paradigm Shift for Chemical Engineering Education", Chemical Engineering Education 45(1).
Felder, R., R. Brent & M. Prince, 2011. "Engineering Instructional Development: Programs, Best Practices, and Recommendations", Journal of Engineering Education 100(1): 89-122.
Prince, M., M. Vigeant & K. Nottis, 2010. "Assessing Misconceptions of Undergraduate Engineering Students in the Thermal Sciences", International Journal of Engineering Education, Special Issue on the Application of Engineering Education Research 26(4).
Nottis, K., M. Prince & M. Vigeant, 2010. "Building an Understanding of Heat Transfer Concepts in Undergraduate Chemical Engineering Courses", U.S.-China Education Review, 2.
Prince, M., & R. Felder, 2007. "The Many Faces of Inductive Teaching and Learning", Journal of College Science Teaching 36(5):14-20, March/April. online at http://www4.ncsu.edu/unity/lockers/users/f/felder/public/Papers/Inductive(JCST).pdf.
Further Information
Contact Details
333 Dana Engineering Building