Mizuki Takahashi
About Mizuki Takahashi
Professor Takahashi teaches in the Department of Biology and the Animal Behavior Program.
Educational Background
- Ph.D., The University of Memphis
- M.S., Marshall University
- M.S., The University of Tokyo
- B.S., The University of Tsukuba
Teaching Interests
- Amphibian Biology
- Animal Behavior
- Behavioral Ecology
- Conservation Genetics
- Ecology and Evolution
Research Interests
My research interests broadly rest on ecology, ethology and conservation of amphibians. Using various research tools such as aquatic mesocosms, behavioral assays, and molecular analyses, our current projects focus on: 1) Interspecific interactions between wood frogs and spotted salamanders, 2) Effects of road salt pollution on an aquatic community, 3) Parental care behaviors of Japanese giant salamanders, and 4) Population assessment of giant salamanders using environmental DNA. While Bucknell is a primarily undergraduate institution, our department also has a master's program. If you are interested in joining our research group, please feel free to contact me.
Selected Publications
*Undergraduate coauthors, **Graduate coauthors
Moffat, CE, MK Takahashi, SL Pease*, JM Brown, SB Heard and WG Abrahamson. In press. Are Eurosta solidaginis on Solidago rugosa a divergent host-associated race? Evolutional Ecology
Hundermark, E. L** and MK Takahashi. 2019. Improving the yield of environmental DNA from filtered aquatic samples. Conservation Genetics Resources
Terry, J*, Y Taguchi, J Dixon*, K Kuwabara, and MK Takahashi. 2019. Preoviposition paternal care in a fully aquatic giant salamander: nest cleaning by a den master. Journal of Zoology 307: 36-42
Takahashi, M.K., M.J. Meyer, C. McPhee*, J.R. Gaston, M.D. Venesky, and B.F. Case*. 2018. Seasonal and Diel Signature of Eastern Hellbender Environmental DNA. Journal of Wildlife Management 82: 217-225
Takahashi, MK, S Okada and Y Fukuda. 2017. From embryos to larvae: seven-month-long paternal care by male Japanese giant salamander. Journal of Zoology 302: 24-31
Takahashi, MK and C. McPhee*. 2016. Facultative oviposition of eastern Newt (Notophthalmus viridescens) in response to water reduction of aquatic habitats. American Midland Naturalist 175:73-81
Okada, S, Y Fukuda, and MK Takahashi. 2015. Parental care behaviors of Japanese giant salamander, Andrias japonicus in natural populations. Journal of Ethology 33:1-7 (Editor's Choice 2015 Article)
Sullivan, BK, J Wooten, TD Schwaner, KO Sullivan and MK Takahashi. 2015. Hybridization between toads along the Agua Fria river in Arizona: I. Evidence from morphology and mtDNA over thirty years. Journal of Herpetology 49: 150-156
Winters, HD*., KM Albertini*, LE Neely*, and MK Takahashi. 2014. Bd prevalence among zoo and pet store amphibian collections in the northeastern United States. Herpetological Review 45: 242-244
Takahashi, MK, J Eastman, DA. Griffin, MJ Parris, J Baumsteiger, and A Storfer. 2014. A stable niche assumption-free test of ecological divergence. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 76: 211-226
Wunder, JL*, NM Lampazzi*, KD Acre*, NJ Bent*, SA Canter*, AM Chapman*, MA Davies*, D Kashan*, JW Keiley*, RI MacIntyre*, TF Milton*, KL Weichler*, MJ Wilson**, and MK Takahashi. 2012. Promoting amphibian conservation through the college classroom: detection of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis among local amphibians. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 7: 462-469
Takahashi, MK, LM Horner*, NA Keller*, and WG Abrahamson. 2011. Extensive clonal spread and extreme longevity of saw palmetto, a foundation clonal plant. Molecular Ecology 20: 3730-3742
Takahashi, MK, YY Takahashi, and MJ Parris. 2010. On the role of sexual selection in ecological divergence: a test of assortative mating in the eastern newt Notophthalmus viridescens. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 101:884-897
Takahashi, MK, and MJ Parris. 2008. Life cycle polyphenisms as a factor affecting ecological divergence of Notophthalmus viridescens. Oecologia 158:23-34
Takahashi, M. 2007. Oviposition site selection: pesticide avoidance by gray treefrogs. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26:1476-1480
Further Information
Contact Details
307 Biology Building