Moira Chambers

Moria Chambers

Assistant Professor of Biology
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About Moria Chambers

Educational Background

  • B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Ph.D., Stanford University
  • Post-doctoral Associate, Cornell University


Professor Chambers teaches in the Department of Biology and the Cell Biology/Biochemistry Program

  • Introduction to Molecules and Cells (BIOL205)
  • Biochemical Methods (BIOL340/CHEM358)
  • Biology of Host Microbe Interactions (BIOL306)

Research Interests

My research group studies microbial pathogenesis using the model organism, Drosophila melanogaster, to explore how carrying persistent and non-lethal infections influences the organisms behavior and physiology. We are particularly interested in how carrying a long-term infection influences the ability of organisms to interact with each other and how this impacts their ability to reproduce. The research is very integrative and our lab uses techniques from a wide-range of disciplines including microbiology, genetics, chemistry, animal behavior and neuroscience.

Lab Website

Selected Publications (*indicates undergraduate author)

Shahrestrani P**, Chambers MC**, Vandenberg J, Garcia K*, Malaret G*, Chowdhury P*, Estrella Y*, Zhu M*, Lazzaro BP. 2018. Sexual dimorphism in Drosophila melanogaster survival of Beauveria bassiana infection depends on core immune signaling. Scientific Reports. 8: e12501. (** equal contribution)

Khalil S*, Jacobson E*, Chambers MC, and Lazzaro BP. 2015. Systemic bacterial infection and immune defense phenotypes in Drosophila melanogaster. JOVE. 99: e52613.

Chambers MC, Jacobson E*, Khalil S*, and Lazzaro BP. 2014. Thorax injury lowers resistance to infection in Drosophila melanogaster. Infection and Immunity. 82(10):4380-4389.

Chambers MC, Song KH and Schneider DS. 2012. Listeria infection induces metabolic changes in Drosophila melanogaster. PLOS One. 7 (12), e50679.

Further Information

Contact Details