Nathan Ryan
About Nathan Ryan
I have been at Bucknell since 2007. I spent Fall 2009 in Uruguay as the recipient of a Fulbright grant and I spent Fall 2017 in Ecuador as the recipient of a Fulbright grant, as well. I spent Spring 2011 at the MSRI and my sabbatical year in 2013-2014 in Uruguay.
Educational Background
- Dartmouth College, Ph.D.
- Dartmouth College, M.A.
- Bard College, B.A.
Research interests
I have two parallel research programs. I prove theorems, develop algorithms and carry out computations related to modular forms and L-functions. With students, I work on data science projects from a variety of areas (healthcare, transportation, film and media studies, etc.)
Teaching Interests
I teach a variety of classes in the department and am particularly drawn to two kinds of classes: (1) courses that can naturally be built around projects (preferably community based ones) and (2) courses that show students the explanatory power of mathematical reasoning.
Selected Publications
- Colman, Owen; Ghitza, Alexandru; Ryan, Nathan C. Analytic evaluation of Hecke eigenvalues for Siegel modular forms of degree two. Proceedings of the Thirteenth Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium, 207–220, Open Book Ser., 2, Math. Sci. Publ., Berkeley, CA, 2019.
- Farmer, David W.; Pitale, Ameya; Ryan, Nathan C.; Schmidt, Ralf Analytic L-functions: definitions, theorems, and connections. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 56 (2019), no. 2, 261–280.
- Ryan, Nathan C.; Sirolli, Nicolás; Skoruppa, Nils-Peter; Tornaría, Gonzalo Computing Jacobi forms. LMS J. Comput. Math. 19 (2016), suppl. A, 205–219.
Further Information
Contact Details
473 Olin Science Building