Or Rogovin

Or Rogovin

Silbermann Family Associate Professor of Modern Hebrew Language & Literature
Director of Modern Hebrew Studies
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About Or Rogovin

Director, Modern Hebrew Studies Program

Educational Background

  • Ph.D., Comparative Literature, University of Washington, Seattle, WA (2012)
  • M.S.T., Jewish Studies, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK (2008)
  • M.A., Comparative Literature, University of Washington, Seattle, WA (2006)
  • B.A., Poetics and Comparative Literature, Tel Aviv University, Israel (2001)

Research Interests

  • Modern Jewish literatures (especially in Hebrew, English, and Yiddish)
  • Literature of the Holocaust
  • Narrative theory
  • Teaching Modern Hebrew as a foreign language

Teaching Specialties

  • Modern Hebrew language
  • Modern Jewish literature, culture, and history
  • Israel Studies
  • Jewish-American literature
  • The Bible in modern literature
  • Holocaust Studies


Created in the Image? Holocaust Perpetrators in Israeli Fiction. McGill-Queen's University Press, 2024.


“Mechanisms of Defense and Narrative Authority in Holocaust Fiction: Imagining the Perpetrator in David Grossman’s See Under: Love.” Symposium 78.3 (2024).

“‘The Strawberry Girl’ and ‘Pearls in Daylight’: ‘Foreign’ Holocaust Stories by Savyon Liebrecht.” Hador – The Hebrew Annual of America 13 (2024): 111–119 [in Hebrew]

"Between Perpetrator and Victim: Moral Balance in Savyon Liebrecht's 'The Strawberry-Girl.'" Dapim: Studies in the Holocaust 33 (2020): 37-62 [in Hebrew]

"The Rise of Gitl Podkovnik: Rereading Abraham Cahan’s Yekl through the Lens of its Heroine," Studies in American Jewish Literature 39.2 (2020): 196-216.

"From 'German Wolfhounds' to 'Ordinary People': Characterizations of Holocaust Perpetrators in Israeli Fiction." New German Critique 137 (August 2019): 65-89.

"The Poetics of the Other Planet: Testimony and Chronotope in Ka-Tzetnik's Piepel." Annette F. Timm, ed. Holocaust History and the Readings of Ka-Tzetnik. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2017.

"'Count him a human being': David Grossman's See Under: Love and Holocaust Perpetrators in Israeli Fiction." Prooftexts 35:1 (2016):13-24.

"Ka-Tzetnik's Moral Viewpoint." Partial Answers 14:2 (2016): 275-298.

"The Limits of Holocaust Representation in the Fiction of the 1948 Generation according to Moshe Shamir's "The Second Stutter." Studies in Israeli and Modern Jewish Society [Iyunim Betekumat Israel] 23 (2013):176-203 [in Hebrew].

"Chelm as Shtetl: Y. Y. Trunk's Khelemer khakhomim." Prooftexts 29:2 (2009): 242-272.

Further Information

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