Robyn Eversole
About Robyn Eversole
- PhD, Anthropology of Development, McGill University, 1998.
- MA, Anthropology of Development, McGill University, 1995.
- BA, Anthropology, Economics, Spanish, Trinity University, 1993.
Faculty Research Interests
- Anthropology of development
- Entrepreneurship for social change
- Rural/ regional development
Recent and Representative Publications
Eversole, R., Schmidt, M., Aberdeen, L., Carlon, C., (2024) Invisible innovation: Intellectual labour on Regional University Campuses in Australia. Journal of Sociology.
Eversole, R., Campbell, P., Joyce, A., Wilson, E., Crosbie, J., (2024) Brokering Employment Pathways from Supported Employment Settings to the Mainstream Labour Market. Disabilities. 4(4), 843-855. https://
Eversole, R., Khan, S., (2024) Reproducing poverty through participation: examining the constraints of community development strategies in fostering empowerment and social change. Community Development Journal. bsae045.
Eversole, R., (2024) Accompanying Rural Development: The Knowledge Partnering Methodology. Routledge.
Eversole, R., Shahpari, S., (2024) Planning to hear the farmer’s voice: an agent-based modelling approach to agricultural land use planning. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy. 17, 115-138.
Eversole, R., Campbell, P., Wilson, E., Howie, J. L., Joyce, A., Crosbie, J., (2024) The Role of Shared Resilience in Building Employment Pathways with People with a Disability. Disabilities. 4(1), 111-126.
Eversole, R., Gunasekara, A., Hiruy, K., Sendjaya, S., Breitbarth, T., (2023) Cross-sector collaboration for refugee employment: An anthropology of development perspective. The Australian Journal of Anthropology. 34(2), 76-93.
Eversole, R., Campbell, P., (2023) Building the Plane in the Air: Articulating Neo-Endogenous Rural Development from the Ground Up. Journal of Rural Studies. 101, 103043.
Eversole, R., (2022) Crossing boundaries in rural research. Journal of Sociology. 58(2), 144-160.
Eversole, R., (2022) Regional campuses and invisible innovation: impacts of non-traditional students in ‘Regional Australia’. Regional Studies. 56(6), 909-920.
Eversole, R., Hutchinson, D., (2022) Local agency and development trajectories in a rural region. Regional Studies. 57(8), 1428-1439.
Eversole, R., Birdthistle, N., Walo, M., (2022) Creating an inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystem for women entrepreneurs in a rural region. Journal of Business Venturing Insights. 18, e00341.
Eversole, R., Grocke, L. C., Hawkins, J. C., (2022) The influence of place attachment on community leadership and place management. Journal of Place Management and Development. 15(3), 298-315.
Eversole, R., (2022) The latent entrepreneurs: inequality and enterprising women in the lucky country. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Eversole, R., Walo, M., (2020) Leading and following in Australian regional development: Why governance matters. Regional Science Policy & Practice. 12(2), 291-302.
Eversole, R., Lee, E., (2019) Rethinking the regions: Indigenous peoples and regional development. Regional Studies. 53(11), 1509-1519.
Eversole, R., (2017) Anthropology for Development: From Theory to Practice. Routledge.
Recent Courses Taught
- MGMT 101, Introduction to Organization and Management.
- RESC 221, Residential College Dinner Seminar.
- RESC 220, Residential College Dinner Seminar.
- UNIV 191, Community Engaged Practice.