Ron Smith
About Ron Smith
Educational Background
- Ph.D., University of Washington - Geography
- M.A., University of Oregon - International Studies
- B.A., The Evergreen State College - Political Economy and Media (Liberal Arts)
Scholarly Interests
- social justice and inequality
- critical development theory
- Latin America
- Middle East
- colonialism
- neoliberalism
- social movements
- globalization
- Third World studies
- race, class and gender
- political economy
- media production and criticis
Selected Publications
Smith, Ron J. From the river to the sea: Subaltern Geopolitics of graduated incarceration in the 1967 Occupied Palestinian Territories. Under contract with University of Georgia Press. Expected date of publication: 2019.
Smith, Ron J. Under siege - Permanent humanitarian war in Gaza and beyond. Proposal complete.
Smith, Ron J. & Martin Isleem. 2017. "Farming the front line: Gaza's activist farmers in the No Go Zones." City, 1-18.
Smith, R. J. (2016). "Isolation Through Humanitarianism: Subaltern Geopolitics of the Siege on Gaza." Antipode, 48, 3, 750-769.
Smith, R.J. (2015) "Healthcare under siege: Geopolitics of medical service provision in the Gaza Strip." Social Science & Medicine, v146 (201512): 332-340.
Smith, R. J. (2013). "A Danger to the Region": Subaltern Geopolitics of Palestinians Detained in Israeli Prisons." The Arab World Geographer, 16(1), 75-100.
Smith, R. J. (2012) "Geographies Of Dis/Topia In The Nation State: Israel, Palestine, And The Geographies Of Liberation." Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review. Volume 23.2. Spring 2012.
Smith, R. J. (2011) "Graduated incarceration: The Israeli occupation in subaltern geopolitical perspective." Geoforum, 42, 316-328.
Smith, R. J. (2011) "'New Wars' and Classic Imperialism - The Siege on Gaza and the Occupation of the West Bank." Human Geography, 4, 80-99.
Smith, R. J. (2011) "Geographies of Dis/topia in the Nation State: Israel, Palestine, and the Geographies of Liberation." Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Working Papers Series. Volume 222. 29-50
Smith, R. J. (2011) "National & Transnational Security Regimes: Israel/Palestine." Encyclopedia entry: Brill Online Encyclopedia of Women in Islamic Cultures. 6th Edition.
Sousa, C. and Smith, R. J. (2008) "Army of None: An Insider's Journey" in Security Disarmed: Critical Perspectives on Gender, Race, and Militarization. Julie Novkov, Barbara Sutton, Sandra Morgen eds. Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick: 2008