Ryan Malone

Ryan Malone

Associate Professor of Music
Department Chair
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About Ryan Malone

Ryan Malone is Associate Professor of Music. He came to Bucknell in 2014 after working for over a decade as an organist and choral director in metropolitan New Jersey. He was raised on the North Fork of Long Island and completed his undergraduate studies at the College of the Holy Cross where he held the Liturgical Music and Organ Scholarship. From there he continued his studies at Duke University and earned an A.M. and Ph.D. in composition.

At Bucknell, Professor Malone teaches courses in music theory, the history of western music, and organ performance. His research focuses on the choral music of Moravian musician and cleric Johann Friedrich Peter (1746–1813), music and identity in Moravian communities, and eighteenth-century performance practice.

In addition to his position at Bucknell, Professor Malone also serves as the Director of Music and Organist at Trinity Episcopal Pro-Cathedral in Williamsport, PA. When not teaching or working on a project, you might find him flying his Cessna 172, but he’s most likely reading a Captain Underpants novel or having a tea party with his children.

Educational Background

  • Ph.D. in Music Composition, Duke University
  • A.M. in Music Composition, Duke University
  • B.A. in Music, College of the Holy Cross

Teaching Interests

  • History of Western Music
  • Theories of Music
  • Organ Performance

Research Interests

  • Eighteenth-century Moravian Music
  • Music and Identity
  • Historiography of Music

Selected Publications


  • Johann Friedrich Peter: Anthems I (Steglein Publishing, 2021).
  • Johann Friedrich Peter: Anthems II (under review).


  • “Sounding Moravian Identity at the Salem Centennial of 1866,” Journal of Moravian History. Vol. 23, No. 1 (2023): 43–69.
  • “Commemorating August Thirteenth: Music and Theology in Eighteenth-Century Moravian Communities” (under review).

Further Information

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