Sandy Bond
About Sandy Bond
- PhD, Real Estate, Curtin University, 2001.
- MBS, Real Estate, Massey University, 1997.
- Graduate Diploma, Business Administration, Massey University, 1993.
- BBS, Valuation and Property Management, Massey University, 1984.
Faculty Research Interests
- Sustainable real estate
- The impact of detrimental conditions on real estate prices including earthquakes, cell phone towers, and high voltage transmission lines
- The assessment of stigma relating to land contamination
Recent and Representative Publications
Bond, S., (2013) Towers, Turbines and Transmission Lines: Impacts on Property Value. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/book/10.1002/9781118533215 Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
Recent Courses Taught
- ACFM 369, Real Estate Finance & Investments.
- ACFM 266, Principles of Real Estate.
Awards and Honors
- Fellow, Property Institute of New Zealand & New Zealand Institute of Valuers, 2020
- Service Award, International Real Estate Society, 2016
- Academic Achievement Award, Property Institute of New Zealand, 2010
Further Information
Contact Details
340 Holmes Hall