Sarah Gabauer
About Sarah Gabauer
Educational Background
- B.E. in Mechanical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, 2003
- B.S. in Mathematics, Vanderbilt University, 2003
- M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Tech, 2005
- Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Tech, 2008
Research Interests
- Dynamic tissue testing
- Tissue mechanics
- Pregnant occupant safety
- Crash dynamics and reconstruction
- Impact biomechanics
- Mechanics
- Computational Analysis
- Thermodynamics
- Accident Analysis
- Biomechanics
Selected Publications
Manoogian, S.J., Duma,S.M. "Material Properties of Pregnant Tissues" in Pregnant Occupant Biomechanics - Advances in Automobile Safety Research edited by Stefan M. Duma, (Warrendale, PA: SAE, 2011).
Manoogian, S.J., Bisplinghoff, J.A., Kemper, A.R., and Duma, S.M. Dynamic material properties of the pregnant human uterus. Journal of Biomechanics. 2012; 45(9):1724-1727.
Manoogian, S.J., Funk, J.R., Cormier, J.M., Bain, C.E., Guzman, H., Bonugli, E. Evaluation of thoracic and lumbar accelerations of volunteers in vertical and horizontal loading scenarios. SAE 2010 World Congress. Detroit, Michigan. 2010-01-0146.
Manoogian, S.J., Bisplinghoff, J.A., McNally, C., Kemper, A.R., Santago, A.C., and Duma, S.M. Effect of strain rate on the tensile material properties of human placenta. Journal of Biomechanics. 2009; 131(9): 091008.
Manoogian, S.J., Moorcroft, D.M., and Duma, S.M. Pregnant occupant injury risk in severe frontal crashes using computer simulations. Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation. 2008; 44: 249-255.