Sarah MacKenzie-Dawson
About Sarah MacKenzie-Dawson
Educational Background
- B.A. in Theatre, University of New Hampshire
- M.Ed., University of New Hampshire
- Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction, Pennsylvania State University
Research Interests
- Impact of trauma on teacher identity
- Pre-service teacher identity
- Testimony
- A/R/Tography
- Poststructuralism
- Representation and performance
- Critical pedagogy
- Adolescents and literacy
- Arts-in-Education
- Influence of the tracking system on literacy identity on learners
- Role of identity, self and emotion in literacy learning
- Feminist pedagogy
- Critical literacy as a means of empowerment for "at risk" adolescents
- Using multiple forms of text to understand one's subjectivity, addiction
- Literacy Across the Contexts
- Literacy and Learning in the Diverse Classroom
- Integrating the Arts in Learning
- Elementary Student Teaching Supervision
- Social Foundations of Education
- Education and the Human Spirit
Further Information
Contact Details
206 Academic East