Stephen Buonopane
About Stephen Buonopane
Educational Background
- B.S.E., Princeton University, 1991
- M.S., Cornell University, 1997
- Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 2004
Research Interests
- Structural reliability
- Analysis and preservation of historic structures
- Engineering history
- Sustainable building design
Teaching Specialties
- Structural analysis and design
- Steel and concrete design
- Numerical methods
- Mechanics
- Earthquake engineering
Professional Experience
- Consultant to the Historic American Engineering Record, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2010
- Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc., 1997-2000
- Parsons Corporation, 1992-1994
Professional Activities
- ASCE History and Heritage Committee, 2004-2012
- SEI Sustainability Committee, 2006-2013
- Registered Professional Engineer (Massachusetts)
Selected Publications
S.G. Buonopane and D.A. Gasparini. (2024) John A. Roebling’s 1846 Smithfield Street Bridge: Design, history and performance. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 29(2):1–14. doi:10.1061/JBENF2. BEENG-6459.
S.G. Buonopane and D.A. Gasparini. (2024) John A. Roebling’s 1845 Allegheny Aqueduct: Design, history and performance. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 29(2):1–13. doi:10.1061/JBENF2. BEENG-6458.
J. Leng, S.G. Buonopane, and B.W. Schafer. (2020) Incremental dynamic analysis and FEMA P695 seismic performance evaluation of a cold-formed steel–framed building with gravity framing and architectural sheathing. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 49(4):394–412. doi:10.1002/eqe. 3245.
D.A. Gasparini and S. G. Buonopane. (2019) Navier’s 1823 Memoire: Analyses of displacements, stiffness, and vibration of suspension bridges. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 24(7). doi:10.1061/(ASCE) BE.1943-5592.0001436.
G. Bian, A. Chatterjee, S.G. Buonopane, S.R. Arwade, C.D. Moen, and B.W. Schafer. (2017) Reliability of cold-formed steel framed shear walls as impacted by variability in fastener response. Engineering Structures, 142:84 – 97. doi:/10.1016/j.engstruct.2017.03.072.
K. Peterman, M. Stehman, R. Madsen, S. Buonopane, N. Nakata, and B. Schafer. (2016) Experimental seismic response of a full-scale cold-formed steel-framed building. I: System-level response. Journal of Structural Engineering, 142(12). doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X. 0001577. Awarded the 2018 Norman Medal.
K. Peterman, M. Stehman, R. Madsen, S. Buonopane, N. Nakata, and B. Schafer. (2016) Experimental seismic response of a full-scale cold-formed steel-framed building. II: Subsystem-level response. Journal of Structural Engineering, 142(12). doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001578.
S.G. Buonopane, G. Bian, T.H. Tun, and B.W. Schafer. (2015) Computationally efficient fastener-based models of cold-formed steel shear walls with wood sheathing. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 110:137– 148. doi:10.1016/j.jcsr.2015.03.008.
S.G. Buonopane and M. Osanov. (2015) Evaluation of August Komendant’s structural design of the shells of the Kimbell Art Museum. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress on Construction History, Chicago. The Fifth International Congress on Construction History.
S.G. Buonopane, K. Burkhart, J. Puleo, X. Li, T. Earley, and B.W. Schafer. (2104) Educational shake table models of CFS shear walls. In Proceedings of the 10th National Conference in Earthquake Engineering, Anchorage, AK. Earthquake Engineering Research Institute.
S.G. Buonopane, S. Ebright, and A. Smith. (2012) The timber trusses of R.W. Smith: History, design and behavior. In Nuts & Bolts of Construction History: Culture, Technology and Society, pages 599–606, Paris, France,. The Fourth International Congress on Construction History.
S.G. Buonopane. (2012) A historical perspective on suspension bridges: Design vs. analysis and the work of John A. Roebling. In Festschrift Billington, pages 38–76. International Network for Structural Art, Princeton, N.J.
S.G. Buonopane. (2010) Life cycle assessment & Durability. In Sustainability Guidelines for the Structural Engineer. ASCE Press.
S.G. Buonopane and S. Kelton. (2008) Mechanical properties of wrought iron from Penns Creek Bridge (1886). In Historic Bridges: Evaluation, Preservation, and Management, pages 167–182. CRC Press, 2008.
S.G. Buonopane. (2006) The Roeblings and the stayed suspension bridge: Its development and propagation in 19th century United States. In The Second International Congress on Construction History, pages 441–460, Cambridge, England.
S.G. Buonopane. (2006) The technical writings of John A. Roebling and his contributions to suspension bridge design. In John A. Roebling Symposium, pages 21–36. American Society of Civil Engineers.
S.G. Buonopane and R.N. White. (1999) Pseudodynamic testing of a masonry infilled reinforced concrete frame. Journal of Structural Engineering, 125(6):578–589. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9445(1999)125: 6(578).
S.G. Buonopane and D.P. Billington. (1993) Theory and history in suspension bridge design from 1823 to 1940. Journal of Structural Engineering, 119(3):954–977. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9445(1993)119: 3(954).
Further Information
Contact Details
304 Dana Engineering Building