Tom Solomon
About Tom Solomon
Educational Background
- Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
Scholarly Interests
- Chaos
- Turbulence
- Pattern formation
Selected Publications
Advection-Reaction-Diffusion processes with chaotic mixing
- Pattern formation in reacting systems and effects of chaotic mixing on those patterns.
- Front propagation and mode-locking in a reacting system with chaotic mixing.
- Synchronization of oscillators via superdiffusive mixing.
Active (Self-consistent) chaotic mixing
- Examining how chaotic mixing of non-passive impurities can destabilize a flow.
Chaotic advection (mixing) of immiscible impurities
- Passive (neutrally-buoyant) mixing in 2-D, time-periodic flows.
- Passive mixing in 3-D, time-independent flows.
- Droplet breakup and coalescence in the presence of Lagrangian chaos.
- The effects of Lagrangian chaos on particle aggregation.
Large-scale pattern formation in solidification of ammonium chloride
- Chimney formation in the presence of enhanced mushy layer flows;
- Aggregation patterns of flowing crystal seeds;
- Measurements of temperature field both in liquid layer and within the mushy layer.
Isotropic and anisotropic branching patterns in electrical discharges