William Meek
About William Meek
- PhD, Entrepreneurship, University of Louisville, 2010.
- MBA, Business Administration, Bradley University, 2004.
- BS, Business Management & Administration, Bradley University, 2003.
Recent and Representative Publications
Meek, R. W., Gianiodis, P., (2023) The Death and Rebirth of the Entrepreneurial University Model. Academy of Management Perspectives. 37(1), 55-71. https://doi.org/10.5465/amp.2020.0180
Meek, R. W., Gianiodis, T. P., Espina, M., (2022) Environmental and social entrepreneurship. https://doi.org/10.1142/12405-vol1 World Scientific Publishing.
Meek, R. W., Marshall, R. D., Swab, G. R., Markin, E., (2020) Access to resources and entrepreneurial well-being: A self-efficacy approach. Journal of Business Research. 120, 203-212. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.08.015
Meek, R. W., Gianiodis, T. P., Chen, W., (2019) Political climate and academic entrepreneurship: The case of strange bedfellows?. Journal of Business Venturing Insights. 12, e00135. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbvi.2019.e00135
Meek, R. W., Wood, S. M., (2016) Navigating a Sea of Change: Identity Misalignment and Adaptation in Academic Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. 40(5), 1093-1120. https://doi.org/10.1111/etap.12163
Meek, R. W., Davis-Sramek, B., Baucus, S. M., Germain, N. R., (2011) Commitment in Franchising: The Role of Collaborative Communication and a Franchisee's Propensity to Leave. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. 35(3), 559-581. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1540-6520.2011.00445.x
Meek, R. W., York, G. J., Pacheco, F. D., (2010) The impact of social norms on entrepreneurial action: Evidence from the environmental entrepreneurship context. Journal of Business Venturing. 25(5), 493-509. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusvent.2009.09.007
Recent Courses Taught
- MORS 215, Special Topics in Management & Organizations.
- MORS 299, Management Internship.
- MORS 340, Advanced Entrepreneurship.
- MORS 240, Entrepreneurship.
- MORS 241, Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
- MORS 370, Entrepreneurship.
- MORS 335, Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
- MORS 200, Responsible Management, Sustainable Values.
- MSUS 335, Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
Awards and Honors
- Excellence in Teaching Award, University of Dayton Chapter of the National Society of Leadership and Success, 2019
- Best Paper Award, Australian Centre For Entrepreneurship Research Exchange (ACERE) Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2017
Further Information
Contact Details
210 Holmes Hall