William Snyder
About William Snyder
Educational Background
- B.S., The Pennsylvania State University
- M.S., The Pennsylvania State University
- Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University
- Post-Doctoral, Lehigh University
Teaching Experience
- Lehigh University
- Bucknell University, 1968 - present
Teaching Specialties
- Polymers, process design
- Chemical reaction engineering
- Material science
- Thermodynamics
Research Interests
- Degradation of polymers
- Thermodynamic properties of solutions
- Water quality
- Catalysis
- Sensors
- Pedagogy
Selected Publications
Aburdene, M.F., Mastascusa, E.J., Schuster, D.S., and Snyder, W.J., "Computer-Controlled Laboratory Experiments," Computer Applications in Engineering Education, Vol 4 (1), 1996
Gluyas, R.E., Alston, W.B., Snyder, W.J., "Thermal History of PMR’s via Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography," NASA Tech Briefs, November, 1994
Aburdene, M.F., Mastascusa, E.J., and Snyder, W.J., "Assessment of Undergraduate Faculty Enhancement Workshops," Proceedings of the 1992 ASEE Annual Conference, Toledo, OH, pp. 1361-64
"Cyclopentadiene Evolution During Pyrolysis – Gas Chromatography of PMR Polyimides," NASA Technical Memorandum 105629, November, 1991
"Thermogravimetric Analysis of the Degradation of Polyimides," Journal of High Performance Composites, Vol I, No. 2, 1990
Further Information
Contact Details
320 Dana Engineering Building