Zukhra Kasimova
About Zukhra Kasimova
- Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago, 2023
- M.A., Central European University, Budapest, 2016
- B.A., Uzbek World Languages University, 2010
Teaching and Research Interests
- Russian Imperial, Soviet, and Eurasian History
- Modern Central Asian History
- Soviet Cultural History of the Cold War
- HIST 132: Modern Europe
- HIST 248: Soviet Experiment: Nation- and Empire-Building
- HIST 251: Russian Empire from Peter the Great to Vladimir Putin
- HIST 252: Cold War Frenemies: Warm Encounters with Soviets
- HIST 335: Russia and the World
Peer-Reviewed Articles and Book Chapters
- “Friendship of the Peoples and Kinship Ties Reconfigured: The Rise of the Shamakhmudovs as Patriarchs of the Soviet Family of Nations,” forthcoming.
- “The Improbable Museum: Igor Savitsky’s Art Museum in Nukus as an Artifact of Postwar Soviet Reality,” in Ab Imperio 3 (2019): 119-143. DOI: 10.1353/imp.2019.0067.
- “Nevozmozhnii Muzei v Arhivnyh Dokumentah,” Ab Imperio 3 (2019): 144-255 (selection of primary sources in Russian). DOI: 10.1353/imp.2019.0068.
On teaching
- “Reflections on Teaching New Soviet History and Russian Imperial History from a Multiethnic Perspective” Ab Imperio, 2/2024, pp. 149-169. DOI: 10.1353/imp.2024.a936959.
Monographs (in preparation)
- Hybrid Soviet(ness): Modernity, Nationality, and Provinciality in Postwar Central Asia, 1941-1985
- Indigenization from Below: Blending Karakalpak National Primitivism with Soviet Modernism in the Savitsky Art Museum