Yili Wang ’21, Applied Mathematical Sciences and Computer Science
May 13, 2019
Photo by Emily Paine, Communications
Yili Wang '21 has nurtured a love for both numbers and music since her childhood in China. Now a Bucknell student, the applied mathematical sciences and computer science major from Sichuan Province sees connections between the passions for music and mathematics that she's pursuing at Bucknell.
Here's how Bucknell is helping Yili connect the dots between her two interests:
On studying at a liberal arts university
"I don't think math and arts are quite different and irrelevant subjects. They're really related to each other."
On connecting math and music
"I'm doing applied math. Some of [the] students [say] you can apply math to music if you want. Although they are kidding, this is really true, because math and music are connected to each other. Sometimes math can be romantic."
On science and the arts at Bucknell
"I've been playing piano since I was five years old. Sometimes [I play] for relaxation when we're doing engineering or STEM subjects. I feel like although Bucknell is quite scientific, it also [focuses] a lot on the arts."
Learn more about Yili's story in the video above.