Museum Exhibition Gives Graduating Artists a Chance to Shine

April 19, 2018

Watch Lena Miskulin ’18 prepare her work for exhibition in the senior art show.

They've spent years working in the Art Barn and Art Building, honing their technical skills and vision as they create increasingly sophisticated works. Now, as Bucknell's senior studio art majors prepare to graduate, they're sharing the fruits of their labors in a group show at the Samek Art Museum through April 29.

The culmination of their efforts, Dispatch, features the work of the five seniors and the Department of Art & Art History's three art assistants. Across a wide range of mediums and formats, the artists share an attitude of urgency and an exploration of contemporary life, represented by the "dispatch" theme, which they chose to suggest art as an alternative form of communication.

During their senior year, studio art majors focus on creating a cohesive body of work to exhibit in the annual spring show. They begin in August by preparing formal proposals that outline the goals of their art. By December, they are ready to refine their work in preparation for spring installation. The results on display reflect the students' growth over four years of study at Bucknell, both within the art program and in other academic departments, said Professor Anna Kell, art, who coordinated this year's show.

"It's really interesting to see how their academic interests influence their artistic trajectories over the course of their time at Bucknell, and it's fascinating to see them arrive at very different places, conceptually and visually, in these final projects," Kell said. "I'm able to see in each of the students' bodies of work their politics, their other scholarly concentrations and the unique ways they see the world around them."

Seniors participating in the exhibition include Stefanie Alpert, Lena Miskulin, Son Pham, Dylan Reynolds and Zaki Sabuwala. Departmental art assistants Shell Albertson, Veronica Hanssens and Dan Newman will also be showing their new work.

On Friday, April 20, the artists will offer brief presentations at 5 p.m. in the Elaine Langone Center's Gallery Theatre. The public is invited to the event, which will be followed by a reception from 6 to 7 p.m. in the Samek Gallery.