Testing Accommodations
Office of Accessibility Resources

Individualized Review
To determine the most appropriate and necessary testing accommodations the Office of Accessibility Resources (OAR) engages in an interactive process with each student and reviews requests for accommodations on an individual, case-by-case basis.
Please review the process for requesting accommodations and documentation requirements which can be found on the Registering with the OAR resources page or requested from the OAR. To initiate the process and be provided with testing accommodations the student must register with the OAR. Each semester after the student initiates the Letter of Accommodation to be available to their professors, the student must meet with their faculty to discuss the accommodation(s). If faculty have a schedule conflict or if the student has a distraction-reduced testing environment accommodation or approved for extra time; the student is responsible for registering for a seat in the OAR Testing Center.
Testing accommodations are provided by the OAR in the OAR Testing Center and/or by faculty. The Director of the OAR is available to provide information and support throughout the testing accommodation process.
Testing Accommodation Process
- Once registered, and as part of the registration process, the student schedules a meeting with the Director of the OAR where the Letter of Accommodation will be developed and sent to faculty via email.
- The student schedules a meeting with faculty member(s) to determine how the approved test accommodations will be administered (in the OAR Testing Center or at place determined by faculty).
NOTE: After the Letter of Accommodation has been sent to faculty, students will provide faculty at least 72 business hours notice prior to a test if faculty are accommodating tests. (Please see Faculty Responsibility below.)
For students who want to schedule tests in the Testing Center
- The student contacts the OAR via the Testing Center Request Form at least 72 business hours prior to the date of the test.
- The student informs the faculty member that the test will be taken in the Testing Center.
- 1 class prior to the test the student reminds the faculty member that the test will be taken in the Testing Center.
For students who need to change scheduled test date/time in the Testing Center
- Please allow at least 72 business hours notice of changes in scheduled tests.
- The student obtains written faculty approval via email, to change testing date/time.
- The student notifies the OAR via email oartesting@bucknell.edu, providing the name of professor, course, original date/time, new date/time and written (email) permission from the professor included.
For students who have missed a test in the Testing Center
- The student must contact the professor to obtain written permission via email from the professor to reschedule the test, including the new day and time.
- The student must contact OAR Testing Center via email oartesting@bucknell.edu giving at least 72 business hours notice prior to the make-up test date and attach the written permission including date and time from the professor.
NOTE: If the student does not attend 2 scheduled tests for a single course and does not provide the OAR approved notice of their absence from the professor, the student must meet with the Director.
The OAR cannot guarantee accommodation of test/s in the OAR Testing Center if the student does not provide adequate notice of test dates (at least 72 business hours notice), does not have professor approval for taking the test at a time other than when the class meets, and/or has not discussed with the professor of the intention of taking the test in the OAR Testing Center.
Students Are Responsible for the Following:
- Registering with the OAR.
- Ensuring that the Letter of Accommodation is sent to their faculty each semester and summer session (if needed).
- Notifying the OAR Testing Center and faculty of the use of testing accommodations for each test as well as reminding faculty about their use of accommodations for any upcoming tests.
- Providing the OAR Testing Center at least 72 business hours notice of the need for the approved accommodation of a test scribe or test reader.
- Resolving scheduling conflicts (i.e., overlapping tests, test time running into class time, athletic responsibilities, etc.).
- Meeting with the Director if they have missed an exam or need assistance or support with the accommodation process.
Arriving for Tests
- Student’s must check in and present their Bucknell ID card to the OAR Testing Center proctor, ideally 5-10 minutes before the test is scheduled to begin.
- For every minute the student is late a minute of time will be deducted from the allotted test time.
- The OAR will not administer tests in which a student arrives 15 minutes or more late for the scheduled test. If this occurs the OAR will discuss next steps with the professor.
- If the student arrives on time, but there is a delay in the administration of the test, the ending time for the test will be adjusted accordingly.
During Tests
- The student may not be in possession of a cell phone/smart watch in the testing room.
- The student may not use technology of any kind unless it is an approved accommodation.
- The student must take care of all personal needs prior to the beginning of tests.
- The OAR will provide a five-minute notice before the student’s accommodated time is complete.
- The student must complete the test in the time specified on their Letter of Accommodation or may leave early if completed.
Finishing Tests & Returning Tests to Instructors
- The student must take the completed test, answers, and additional materials to the proctor.
- The OAR Testing Center will place all testing materials in an envelope and return the materials to the professor per their instructions.
- The OAR will keep a detailed report of test returns.
Final Exams
- The student is responsible for scheduling all final exams that will be taken at the OAR Testing Center two weeks prior to the first day of final exams by contacting the OAR Testing Center at New Testing Center Request. (link is New Testing Center Request)
- The student will notify the OAR Testing Center (oartesting@bucknell.edu) of any changes to their final exam schedule as soon as they are aware of the change.
Faculty Are Responsible for the Following:
For tests accommodated by faculty:
- Working with the student registered with the OAR when the student seeks meetings/support/accommodation requests.
- Determining—with student input—how the approved accommodation(s) will be administered (in the OAR Testing Center or at a place determined by faculty).
- Ensuring that the approved accommodation is administered appropriately (i.e., distraction-reduced environment is a quiet, separate room/office). When in question, please contact the Director of the OAR.
For tests accommodated by the OAR Testing Center:
- Login to Accommodate to provide exam files and exam instructions for the test proctor.
- Provide a copy of the exam to the OAR Testing Center at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled start time of the student’s exam (whenever possible). Exams files can be uploaded via the link in the Your Reply Requested email.
- Notifying the OAR Testing Center via email oartesting@bucknell.edu ahead of time if a test requires a computer or special technology. If notice is not provided, the OAR may not be able to administer the test on that date. Please note: software is not installed on Testing Center computers. Faculty are responsible for providing accommodations that require special software.
NOTE: If the test is not received by the OAR Testing Center by the start time of the scheduled test, the OAR Testing Center will ask the student to meet with the professor to discuss rescheduling the test. At this time, the OAR Testing Center asks that the professor either provides the test accommodations for the student or provides the OAR Testing Center with at least 3 business days notice of the rescheduled date.
Testing Room Environment and Academic Integrity
- The OAR trains proctors in exam security, academic integrity, confidentiality, and ethical conduct. As participants in the testing process, the OAR personnel respect faculty concerns for test security and make every effort to ensure that academic integrity is maintained at all times.
- At NO TIME should a student have a cell phone or smartwatch in their possession in the OAR Testing Center.
- Students are required to provide their Bucknell ID to confirm identity prior to the test.
- Food and gum are not allowed in the Testing Center.
- During the test, belongings must be left in the allotted shelving. This includes coats, backpacks, electronics, hats, sunglasses, and any additional non-exam related materials. Valuables should be left at home.
- Only materials listed by the professor as necessary for a test or identified as accommodations will be allowed in the testing room.
- Students must bring their own pens, pencils, calculators, etc. The OAR will provide scratch paper. Students can obtain library loans for special calculators to bring to the testing center if this is an approved accommodation.
- In most cases, the student is in a room with others taking tests. There are single-room options for those students who have the approved accommodation of test scribes or test readers.
- The OAR takes the role of proctoring tests seriously, striving to ensure academic integrity. Any concerns regarding academic irresponsibility will be addressed with the student by the Director of the OAR and reported to the relevant professor for further action. If faculty pursues action, each case of alleged academic irresponsibility is heard by a 5-member panel (3 faculty members, 2 students) of the Board of Review on Academic Responsibility. If charged with academic misconduct while using OAR facilities, case-specific sanctions will be implemented including the possibility of losing the privilege of having tests administered by the OAR.
- The OAR Testing Center uses video surveillance to visually monitor students while testing. Closed-circuit cameras are used to monitor and record all activity in the Testing Centers. Any infractions of the Student Code of Conduct while testing will be reported to the instructor and to the Dean of Students Office.