OAR Testing Center
Office of Accessibility Resources

What is the OAR Testing Center?
The Office of Accessibility Resources (OAR) provides a Testing Center as a secondary option for those students whose professors cannot accommodate their testing accommodation needs. The Center provides a quiet space for up to 14 students who are registered with the OAR to take their quizzes/tests. (4 non-internet connected computers are available.)
Given that there are 14 spaces available, the center requires advanced reservation (72 business hours notice) and is scheduled on a first-come first-served basis. The Center is NOT a drop-in service.
Welcome to the Testing Center
Who can utilize the OAR Testing Center?
- Only students registered with the OAR can take their quizzes/exams in the OAR Testing Center.
How do I reserve a testing space?
- The student completes the Testing Center Request Form to schedule students quizzes/exams. Students MUST provide at least 72 business hours notice.
Faculty Responsibility if student is utilizing Testing Center
Login to Accommodate email to share the following information with the test proctor:
- Provide the quiz/exam in a timely manner (whether hand delivered, email, or other means)
- Provide any other exam information (e.g., allow use of calculator, use of laptop, etc.) and accommodation being provided (i.e., 50% extended time)
- Inform the OAR about how you would like your tests returned to you
Student Responsibility
- Inform the OAR and faculty of the need for testing accommodations providing at least 72 business hours notice via the new Testing Center Request Form
- Arrive to the Testing Center on time and show Bucknell University ID
- Follow Bucknell University Honor Code
What are the hours, operation, and location of the OAR Testing Center?
- The OAR Testing Center is open Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
- The Testing Center is located in Academic West 206
- Tests are proctored during open hours
What do I do if the OAR Testing Center is not an option?
- Faculty are responsible for securing another location for students in need of testing accommodations. For other room arrangements contact Vince Pellegrini at vap005@bucknell.edu or 570-577-1116.