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(Re-air) Episode 35: What to Do While You Wait for a Decision

February 26, 2024

While search engines provide millions of answers in less than a second, there is one life-changing question for which the answer doesn't arrive as quickly: Did I get in?

When you want to know whether you’ve been accepted into your college of choice, things don't happen quickly. In fact, it may be months between the moment you press “submit” on your application and the day that acceptance notification appears in your virtual or physical mailbox.

So what do you do in the meantime? In this episode of College Admissions Insider, we’ll provide a few answers to that crucial question right here, right now. We’ll share tips for making the most of the time leading up to decision release day and advice for how to mitigate anxiety while you wait.

Our guest is Jill Medina, Bucknell’s senior associate dean of admissions. Jill has more than 25 years of work in higher education under her belt, and she plays a role in the acceptance process at Bucknell.

If you have a question, comment or idea for a future episode, please email

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Episode 35 Transcript

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