Humanities Center

Students on campus

The humanities are foundational to the liberal arts, which means they're central to the intellectual, cultural and political life of Bucknell.

At the Humanities Center, our mission is to:

  • Enhance the visibility of the humanities on campus and beyond.
  • Coordinate transdepartmental humanities endeavors.
  • Create an environment that fosters pedagogical excellence and student and faculty scholarship.

View our upcoming events

Fellowships and Grant Opportunities

The Bucknell University Humanities Center provides several fellowship and grant opportunities for both faculty and students who wish to study and work in the humanities.

Learn more about fellowship and grant opportunities

Professor Virginia Zimmerman teaches a children's literature class.

A Home for the Humanities

Located in the heart of campus, Hildreth-Mirza Hall is a home for the humanities at Bucknell.

Home to Bucknell's Humanities Center, the Bucknell University Press and other humanities-based initiatives, the hall offers students a relaxed environment to study in groups or the privacy to work alone.

Students from all majors are welcome to use the center.

Humanities Council

The Humanities Council includes faculty members from various academic subjects, whose goal is to create trans-departmental humanities endeavors and help aid the center in its mission of fostering scholarship and pedagogical excellence in both students and faculty.

Meet the Humanities Council

Humanities Center Alumni Advisory Board

The purpose of the Alumni Advisory Board is to support and enhance the mission of the Humanities Center, with particular emphasis on: ensuring the financial flourishing of the humanities at Bucknell, solidifying and strengthening humanities alumni networks, increasing the visibility of Humanities Center efforts to national and international stakeholders, and generating professional opportunities for humanities students through internships and career pathways.

Meet the Humanities Center Alumni Advisory Board

Digital Humanities at Bucknell

In conjunction with Digital Pedagogy & Scholarship (DP&S), the Bucknell Humanities Center supports Digital Humanities (DH) initiatives and projects at Bucknell.

Learn more about Digital Humanities at Bucknell

Contact Details

Contact Details

Maria Antonaccio, Director of the Humanities Center
Professor, Religious Studies
(2013–16) Presidential Professor of Religious Studies Faculty Affiliate, Environmental