Membership, Courses, Programs & Travel

BILL offers many different types of educational programming, including regular courses, Special Presentations, member events, specially arranged small group tours, and occasional international travel opportunities.

Membership and Course Registration

BILL membership is required to participate in BILL courses and many other events. Memberships are generally offered on an annual basis to include two terms (Spring and Fall) in BILL. Regular BILL courses are offered during each of these terms as weekly classes meeting for one to three hours, usually in March and April and in September and October.

You can join BILL, renew your membership and register for classes with our secure online registration system. If you have never belonged to BILL before, you can use the "New user" link to create an account, purchase a membership and then register for courses, but you are encouraged to first contact the office to check on special offers (such as the free one-term trial membership). Current and returning members of BILL have online accounts set up in the system already. Use the "Forgot Password" feature to recover your username and create a password if you do not remember your sign-in information, or contact the office for help.

A major credit card is required to pay for your membership and/or tuition online. You may send payment by check to the office after completing the online purchase and/or registration if you prefer; make checks payable to Bucknell University.

Online registration for membership and course offerings

You may also register using the paper Membership and Registration Form in the current catalog. Mailed registrations will be processed starting on the day registration has opened for the requested course. Class space is limited, so the online registration system offers your best chance of securing a seat in your first-choice class. If your first-choice class is full, we encourage you to register as a waitlisted participant and to consider selecting an alternative course. Many wonderful classes are offered — try something new!

Mail or drop off registration forms and payment:

Bucknell Institute for Lifelong Learning
115 Farley Circle, Suite 111
Lewisburg, PA 17837


Annual membership: $65

One-time, single-term membership trial: Free to anyone brand new to BILL

Course tuition: $60 per course. Any additional fees (materials, books, etc.) will be advertised specifically for those classes requiring such extra cost.

Other BILL events and activities vary in whether they are offered exclusively to BILL members or opened to the public after priority registration has been given to our members. For example, small group tours may be arranged and offered at special rates for members. Regional trips in conjunction with a current class or at the request of BILL members are sometimes offered. Overseas and international trips are booked as a limited-number group through travel agencies providing educational travel specializing in adult learning. While BILL members get preference for registering early for these tours, many are opened to non-members after an initial signup period. Contact the BILL office to learn about current offers and to ask about upcoming trips and tours.

Special Presentations

Special Presentations are one-time events that are free and open to the public, no membership required.

Attend a free Special Presentation (no membership required)

Contact Details

Bucknell Institute for Lifelong Learning


115 Farley Circle, Suite 111