Core Curriculum Credit for Transfer Courses

There are many courses that can transfer to Bucknell for core curriculum credit. Some will need to go through an approval process. Others, such as courses offered through approved study abroad programs, will be pre-approved. Follow the steps below to request transfer credit for core curriculum courses.

Step 1: Obtain Transfer Credit

In order to obtain core curriculum credit for a transfer course, the course must first be accepted for transfer to Bucknell. Bucknell departments and programs approve such transfers. Students should contact the chair or director of the relevant department or program with a request for transfer credit, providing the appropriate documentation. If the transfer course does not fit with an existing department at Bucknell, please contact the academic associate dean for your college and class year.

Many courses offered by Bucknell-approved study abroad programs have been pre-approved for transfer; see the College of Arts & Sciences Previously Approved Course List provided by the Office of Global & Off-campus Education. Please note that the College of Arts & Sciences Core Curriculum director cannot approve courses for general transfer credit.

Step 2: Request Core Curriculum Designation

The procedure for having a core curriculum designation applied to your transfer course varies depending on the designation requested.

(Class of 2026 and before)
(Class of 2027 and later)

Intellectual Skills

Foundational Experiences

Foundation Seminar/Integrated Perspectives

Transfer courses cannot count for Foundation Seminar or Integrated Perspectives (IP) designation.

Foundation Seminar/Integrated Perspectives

Transfer courses cannot count for Foundation Seminar or Integrated Perspectives (IP) designation.

Foreign Languages

If a student wishes to meet a foreign language requirement off campus, the chair or director who approved the course for transfer will also decide whether the course meets Core Curriculum Foreign Languages (CCFL) learning objectives. Students should be sure to ask that chair/director to make a decision on CCFL designation when requesting transfer credit.

Foreign Languages

If a student wishes to meet a foreign language requirement off campus, the chair or director who approved the course for transfer will also decide whether the course meets Core Curriculum Foreign Languages (CCFL) learning objectives. Students should be sure to ask that chair/director to make a decision on CCFL designation when requesting transfer credit.

Laboratory Science

If a student chooses to meet their Lab Science requirement off campus, the chair or director who approved the course for transfer will also decide whether the course meets Laboratory Science (LBSC) learning objectives. Students should be sure to ask that chair/director to make a decision on LBSC designation when requesting transfer credit.

Laboratory Science

If a student chooses to meet their Lab Science requirement off campus, the chair or director who approved the course for transfer will also decide whether the course meets Laboratory Science (LBSC) learning objectives. Students should be sure to ask that chair/director to make a decision on LBSC designation when requesting transfer credit.

Quantitative Reasoning/Race, Power and Inequality/Nature, People and Justice/Global Connections

To submit a request for CCQR, RPI, NPJ, or GBCC designation, students should complete the online designation request form.

Once the student has completed this form, the student should send a complete course syllabus to KB Boomer, College of Arts & Sciences Core Curriculum director, Mathematical Economics director,

Tools for Critical Engagement

To submit a request for Tools for Critical Engagement (DUSC, EVCN, GBCC, CCQR) designation, students should complete the online designation request form.

Once the student has completed this form, the student should send a complete course syllabus to KB Boomer, College of Arts & Sciences Core Curriculum director, Mathematical Economics director,

Disciplinary Perspectives

Arts & Humanities, Natural Sciences & Mathematics, Social Sciences
Courses are approved for the "learning goals" designations (AHLG, NMLG, SSLG) by the chair or director who approves the course for transfer. The "non-learning goals" designations are applied automatically for courses taught in the division of Arts & Humanities (ARHC), in the division of Natural Science & Mathematics (NSMC) and the division of Social Sciences (SLSC) when the course transfers in, depending on the department approving the transfer

Disciplinary Exploration

Disciplinary designations are applied automatically for courses taught in the division of Arts & Humanities (ARHC), in the division of Natural Science & Mathematics (NSMC) and the division of Social Sciences (SLSC) when the course transfers in, depending on the department approving the transfer.