For Faculty

The Teaching & Learning Center coordinates a number of programs throughout the year designed to foster reflection and conversation about teaching and learning.

Brief descriptions of these programs are below; more detailed information can be found available in myBucknellWeb.

Course Design & Pedagogy Workshop

Designed for those with fewer than two years of teaching experience or those who have never been introduced to the principles of pedagogy, this three-day workshop helps incoming faculty members thoughtfully prepare for their upcoming classes. Topics include syllabus creation, classroom management, development and assessment of learning objectives, inclusive classrooms, and an introduction to the elements of good teaching. Significant time is provided to revise at least one course, and to answer questions regarding norms and practices at Bucknell.

New Faculty Pedagogy Series

Designed to assist and support new faculty as they adjust to their first year at Bucknell, this series introduces a broad variety of research-based teaching topics as well as aspects of the Bucknell environment such as teaching evaluations, student culture and grading philosophies. These weekly lunch meetings also allow new faculty to maintain social contact with others in their cohort.

Friday Learning Series

This weekly luncheon pedagogy program is open to all faculty, and to staff who either have direct instructional responsibility or work within the Student Affairs division. The presentations are short and designed to fit an already busy schedule while providing an opportunity to keep in touch with other members of the faculty.

Tuesdays with the TLC

This weekly series of short (40-minute) workshops is focused on important and recurring issues, led by well-situated resource people, with the intent of advancing pedagogical and curricular practices and strengthening the learning community at Bucknell.

Learning Communities

Learning Communities are small and diverse groups of faculty and staff members who meet on a regular basis to discuss campus or divisional issues and opportunities related to a specific theme.

Curricular Workshops

The TLC hosts two workshops for the College Core Curriculum: a workshop on teaching Foundation Seminars, and a workshop for those partnering to teach an Integrated Perspectives course.

Teaching Circles

Teaching Circles bring together small groups of faculty (three or four members) to engage in semester-long extended discussions about their teaching. Members of each group share syllabi, look at classroom interactions, visit one another’s classes and exchange assignments, with the goal of significantly reviewing/revising key aspects of one of their courses.

Mentoring Ecosystem

Rather than expecting one mentor to be able to give good advice on all topics, faculty are encouraged to build relationships with people across campus who can then serve as formal or informal mentors in specific areas. The Teaching & Learning Center facilitates this relationship-building through reflective discussions about professional development, and through financial support for coffee and/or lunch for these "thinking partners."

Faculty Teaching Activities Survey: “How We Teach”

This teaching resource, derived from Bucknell faculty, provides information about 36 teaching practices at Bucknell, including strengths and weaknesses of the practice, usage statistics by division, and links for further exploration.

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Individual Consultations

The Teaching & Learning Center can serve as a sounding board for new or experienced faculty to discuss pedagogical ideas, research findings and best practices in teaching and learning. Staff members can also visit classes to help faculty focus on possible changes or dynamics in the classroom. All consultations are confidential, and are not used as part of the promotion and review process.

Student Referrals

Faculty may refer students to the Teaching & Learning Center for help with developing effective learning approaches, time management skills and other academic success strategies. Classroom visitation by a student learning specialist is available on request.

Contact Details

Teaching & Learning Center