Driving Tour With Carolyn

Look, listen and explore as Carolyn Campbell takes you through seven stops on Bucknell's campus.
Carolyn, a psychology, mathematics, and women's & gender studies triple-major from Buffalo, N.Y., says she chose Bucknell in part because of the people.
"The people you meet in college are what truly define your experience, and it's safe to say that the people at Bucknell changed my life," she says.
Enjoy your tour!
Driving Tour Route Map

Start Here

Begin your tour by entering campus on Moore Avenue at U.S. Route 15. At the fork, turn right onto Dent Drive. Turn right into the visitor parking lot between the Weis Center for the Performing Arts and the football field (Christy Mathewson-Memorial Stadium). Once you're parked, press play on Stop 1.
Stop 1: Visitor Parking Lot near Weis Center

Directions to Stop 2: Continue southeast along Pascucci Drive (previously known as Christy Mathewson Drive), with the football stadium on your right. At the four-way stop, continue straight onto South Campus Drive. You'll pass the Bucknell University Farm on your right. Turn right just before the Orange and Blue "B" sculpture. Stop anywhere along this circle drive.

Stop 2: South Campus Apartments

Directions to Stop 3: Continue around the circle until you arrive at the four-way stop at South Campus Drive and Strohecker Farm Lane. Continue straight onto Strohecker Farm Lane, which becomes Coleman Road. You'll pass the under-construction Management and Art & Art History building on your left. Pull over anywhere along Coleman Road.

Stop 3: Academic West and Bertrand Library

Directions to Stop 4: Turn around and return to the four-way stop at Coleman Road and South Campus Drive. Turn left (north) onto South Campus Drive. Turn left on Seventh Street and continue to the Carnegie Building. Find a safe place to pull over here — before proceeding down the hill. We recommend you activate your hazard lights before playing stop 4.

Stop 4: Outside Carnegie Building

Directions to Stop 5: Continue along Seventh Street until you get to Dent Drive — about halfway down the hill. Turn left on Dent Drive and continue to the first parking lot you come to on the left. Enter the lot and find a visitor parking space.

Stop 5: The Malesardi Quad

Directions to Stop 6: Exit the parking lot and turn left (south) on Dent Drive. You'll pass Rooke Chapel on your right. Turn right on Moore Avenue and find a parking spot along Moore Avenue.

Stop 6: KLARC and the Student Union

Directions to Stop 7: Continue along Moore Avenue to the four-way stop at Moore Avenue and Seventh Street. Head straight on Moore Avenue, which turns into Walker Street. At the stop sign at the end of Walker Street, turn right onto Loomis Street. Find a place to stop along Loomis Street with a view of the Grove on your right.

Stop 7: The Grove

The tour ends here, but some visitors may wish to check out downtown Lewisburg next. Continue on Loomis Street to the three-way stop sign and turn left on University Avenue. Travel north on University Avenue to the stop sign, and take a slight left onto 3rd Street. Head down 3rd Street to Market Street, where you'll find shops, restaurants and the three-story Barnes & Noble at Bucknell University bookstore.
Thank you for taking the Bucknell Driving Tour!