Bucknell Academy Summer Experience

Bertrand Library at dusk

The application for the 2024 Bucknell Academy Summer Experience is now closed. Check back here this winter for information about our summer 2025 program.

What is BASE?

At BASE, the Bucknell Academy Summer Experience, rising high school juniors and seniors spend a week living like a college student.

You'll stay in our residence halls, attend classes taught by Bucknell professors and develop problem-solving skills designed to help you make an impact on the world.

BASE participants join Bucknell faculty and students to find innovative solutions to pressing issues. Perhaps you'll team up with environmental engineers and global managers to create better technology for clean water. Or maybe you'll collaborate with performing artists and biomedical engineers to reimagine prosthetics used by actors or musicians.

Reach into your imagination and solve problems in innovative ways. It all starts at Bucknell.

Details about BASE

When is BASE?
The Bucknell Academy Summer Experience take place the last week in June.

The theme for this year's program is:
How has media impacted society, and what can we learn from it?

Who is eligible?
High school students who will be rising juniors or seniors are welcome to apply. We're looking for applicants with a strong academic record, who enjoy collaborating and leading and have a genuine interest in the liberal arts and creative problem-solving.

How do I apply?
Begin by completing the online BASE application. All applicants must submit their high school transcript by uploading it in the online application or by emailing it to BASE@bucknell.edu. Your transcript should reflect the grades you've received thus far in high school, including your 2024–25 first quarter/trimester or mid-year grades. Applications without a transcript by the application deadline will be considered incomplete and will not be reviewed.

When is the deadline to apply?
Applications must be submitted by mid-March.

How are students selected?
We will begin reviewing applications in early March. Admitted applicants will be notified in April.

How much does it cost?
The fee is $1,500, which includes housing, meals and learning materials.

A limited number of applicants may receive financial assistance based on need. Applicants interested in receiving assistance may ask their school and/or CBO counselor to write a letter attesting to the student's need. Letters should be emailed to BASE@bucknell.edu by the application deadline.

What do BASE participants do?

You will:

  • Attend classes led by faculty from a variety of departments.
  • Learn to consider similar ideas from different academic perspectives.
  • Collaborate and present your ideas.
  • Connect with Bucknell faculty, staff and current students.
  • Stay in a campus residence hall and eat meals in the dining hall.

What's a typical day at BASE?

We don't like to share a detailed itinerary, because part of the experience is your journey into the unknown alongside your fellow BASE participants. But we can share that the days generally begin at 8 a.m. and end by 10 p.m.

Your schedule may include a faculty or an alumni speaker, group discussions, reflection, presentations, college advice and fun opportunities to get to know our campus, our community and other BASE participants.

Here's a sample schedule:

8–8:45 a.m. — Breakfast
8:50–10:10 a.m. — Class with faculty member
10:15–11 a.m. — Group discussion and reflection time
11 a.m.–noon — Work on group presentation
Noon–1 p.m. — Lunch
1–2:30 p.m. — Keynote speaker
2:30–4 p.m. — Class with faculty
4–4:30 p.m. — Journal reflection
4:30–5:30 p.m. — Downtime
5:30–6:30 p.m. — Dinner
7–8:30 p.m. — Fun activities
8:30–10 p.m. — Board games and hanging out
10:15 p.m. — Bed

More questions?

Please contact:

Office of Admissions

Contact Details

Office of Admissions


Monday – Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Saturday: Varies
Sunday: Closed